Chapter 9

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Jake:" he made it. He's still alive.....but he is paralyzed from the waist down and he has a concussion. The doctor said it's too soon for you to see him."
You cry. But you can't tell if they're tears of joy or tears of sorrow.
You:"will he ever remember me?"
Jake:"yes. But not any time soon."
You try to hold back your tears. Jake hugs you.
Jake:" stop holding back. Just let it out."
You cry into Jake's shoulder.
Jake:" I told you. It's going to be ok. I promise. You can stay with me until they get better alright?"
You:"Thanks Jake. You're the only person I want to be with right now."
How is it that you got the best boyfriend in the world?

After picking up some pizza, and stopping by your house and pick up some clothes, you and Jake go back to his place. Instead if the living room you go to Jake's room.
Jake:"you want to watch some tv."
He turns the tv on and flips through the channel.
Jake:"Nothing good is on."
You:"Let's watch a movie then. You can pick. I'm going to change now."
Jake goes and finds a movie. You put on some red short shorts and a long white t-shirt. A few minutes later you come back and jack has his shirt off and is wearing sweatpants. now nothing about Jake's body was a surprise to you. Jake puts in the DVD.
You:"what is it?"
Jake skips to the main menu and the title comes up.
You:"really Jake? Finding Nemo?"
Jake:"I just had this weird urge to watch it."
He comes and sits by you and puts his arm around you and you lean on his shoulder. The movie starts and you start to drift off.

Someone comes knocking on the door. Jake gets it. It's Donny.
Jake:"Donny? What are you doing here?"
Donny:"Just coming to watch tv with my favorite girl."
Jake:"oh ok. She's upstairs."
What? Was he talking about you. You try to move from the bed but you can't. Donny comes and plops down next to you.
Donny:"Hey beautiful."
He puts his arm around you.
You:"Get off me."
You shake him off. You look around for Jake but he's not there.
Donny:"Let's go for a ride."
You suddenly smelled alcohol in his breath.
You:"No Donny! You're drunk! Get away from-"
Soon you were in a car sitting in the passenger seat. Donny was driving and his two friends were in the back.
Friend 1:"Hey who's the pretty lady?"
Friend 2:" shut up Caleb. She's mine."
Caleb:"actually Bryce, she's mine."
Donny:" guys shut up. She's mine. But I'm nice and I'll share."
Donny starts driving down a street as if he were going to school. Then suddenly you feel Bryce and Caleb pulling your clothes off.
You:"Stop! Get off! Donny stop the car! Let me out"
You look around and still no Jake.
Bryce:"oh we won't hurt you."
You turn around and look at Bryce and he was smiling like Donny had smiled right before everything happened. You turn back around and try to unbuckle your seatbelt so you can jump out the car. The seat belt wouldn't budge. You look up and Donny is about to crash into a tree. You grab the wheel and turn it to the right. Bam! You crashed into a car instead. And then another car crashed into that car. Suddenly you were standing outside of the car you crashed into. You look into the window and see your mom and brother.

Donny comes up behind you with Bryce and Caleb.
Donny:"This is all your fault."
Bryce:" They're probably dead!"
Caleb:" way to go!"
You tried to explain how you didn't mean to do any of this.
Then all the people from the crash got out there cars. But they were people you knew.
Bianca:"I can't believe you. I thought we were best friends.!"
Mikey:" Why do you like Jake? I've been there for you longer than he has!"
You:"Guys I said I was sorry!"
Donny grabs you and pushes you on the ground.
Donny:"see what happens when you're with Jake?!"
He gets on top of you.
You:"Donny get off of me!!!" You start crying. You push and shove and try to shake him off. Then you wake up breathing hard in Jake's arms.

Jake's POV
I put the movie in and sit down next to y/n. she still seemed sad but I knew she was trying to be strong through all of this. I put my arm around her to comfort her and she laid her head on my shoulder. We watch the movie for about 10 minutes and then she falls asleep.
You:"Donny..........get off."
She starts pushing me away.
You:" I'm sorry......I didn't mean to...... I said I was sorry!....."
I try to wake her up.
You:".....Donny get off of me!"
I shake her a little and she finally wakes up hyperventilating and sweating.
Jake:" It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's ok. You're going to be ok."
You:"What time is it?"
Jake:" it's 11:32. Try to sleep."
You:"I can't sleep. When I sleep all I do is remind myself of how all of this is my fault."
Jake:"It's not your fault. You can't change the pass y/n. Things happen for a reason and we may not know what the reason is but we have to hope that it's for a good reason."

Your POV
Jake tries to comforting you by saying all these quotes that fit the situation, but all it's doing to you is giving you a head ache.
You:"I'm going to the bathroom."
You walk out without waiting for jake to answer. You go to the bathroom, put the toilet top down and sit. You felt dizzy and lost. You didn't know what to do. A few months ago you would....
You look through the cabinets and find a razor. It was pink so it probably belonged to his mom. You break the blade out. Your thoughts get jumbled up. The small angel and devil appear in your mind.
Angel:"Don't do it. You'll regret it later. What will Jake think?" Devil:"Just do it this once. Especially since this whole thing is your fault." Angel:"You've been clean for so long. Don't go back to how it use to be." Devil:"Just do it fast and quick. Nothing too deep. Just something to bring you back to reality." Angel:"If you do this you can never go back"
Devil:"Try your thigh. He won't see it on your thigh." You pick up the blade and pull down the shorts.

A million thoughts keep flying through your mind.
Devil:"You should have known Donny wasn't the right guy." Angel:"But everyone makes mistakes. It's going to be alright." Devil:"Mikey and Bianca both hate you"
Angel:"they're your best friends. They'll get over it." Devil:"Ever since you started dating Jake, you've put him and everyone else in a bad position." Angel:"That's true. Jake got punch in the face and stomach because of you. Mikey is heart broken because of you. Bianca feels betrayed because of you. Your mom and brother are in the hospital.......because of you." Tears fall from your eye and you slide the blade across your skin. Ouch. It really has been a while. You slide it again. That was a little better. Another slide. Another cut. A deeper cut.
Angel:"Ok stop now. That's enough." Devil:"Keep going. You're just getting started."

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