Chapter 21

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He kisses you. You try to talk in between kisses.
You:" I mean . . . it is . . . your birthday . . . But. . ."
He starts kissing your neck. You back away before you get caught in his trap again.
You:" fine. You can drive. Come on."
Jake laughs.
Jake:" thank you." He kisses you one last time and heads to the car.
You:" why do you always do this to me?"
Jake:" do what to you?"
You:" seduce me until you get what you want."
Jake:" because it's fun and it's cute to see how hard you try to resist me."
He smiles. He was right. It was hard for you to resist him. There wasn't anything that he could do that really made you mad at him. How could you stay mad at him.?

You give Jake the directions and you text Samantha that you're on the way.
Jake:" where did you here of this place?"
You:" oh um I went online and looked at some of the best places around to here and this one looked pretty cool."
Jake:" oh. What kind of food do they serve."
You:" um I think it went from like steak to seafood."
Ok. You couldn't come up with anymore lies. Luckily you had arrived at the new party spot. It was a restaurant by day and a club by night.
Jake:" it looks pretty empty."
You:" business is probably running slow today."
You both walk in and the host greats you at the door.
Host:" hello, welcome. Table for 2?"
You:" yes."
Host:" is it ok if you sit upstairs? We are expecting a huge party to come in later and I don't want to have to rush you out."
Jake:" sure that's fine."
The host takes you and Jake upstairs to a door.
Host:" I think this place would be nice and romantic for you two."
The host opens then door and Jake walks in first.
Everyone:" SURPRISE!!!!!"

Jake:" oh my gosh! Are you guys serious?"
A lot of people were there. His co-stars, people he had worked with in the past, and so many famous people that you couldn't name them all. Wait. . . Is that..?
Selena:" Happy Birthday Jake!"
Jake:" Selena, I can't believe you're here."
Selena:" it's your birthday! And I've missed you so much. I'm so happy I can be here. And guess what? The director talked to me today and I'm going to be in a few scenes in the movie!"
Jake:" that's awesome!"
You awkward stand behind while Jake goes and visits all of his friends and thanks them for coming. Samantha comes up from behind you.
Samantha:" hey."
You:" hey."
Samantha:" great job getting him here. I bet he probably didn't even want to go out tonight."
You couldn't look at Samantha the same way after what Jake told you. She was beautiful, how could he not kiss her? Yes, you were jealous of Samantha. And Samantha was probably jealous of you since you got Jake.
You:" yeah. It took a lot of persuasion."
Samantha:" I bet. I have a surprise for you."
You:" for me?"
Samantha:" yeah. Turn around."

You turn around and standing behind you is Mikey and Bianca. How is it that no matter how far you went, they always find you. You couldn't tell if you were happy, surprised, or pissed.
Bianca:" *squeels* oh my gosh!!!! Y/n! I'm so happy to see you."
You couldn't have been less excited.
You:"Bianca! I'm so surprised that you're here."
Samantha:" I know this sounds weird but I went on your Instagram and saw some pics with you all in them so I thought that I would invite them out here to visit you since you're going to be here for the rest of the month. I thought you might want a little piece of home."
Home? you had no home. Jake was your home. The thought was sweet though you must admit.
You:" thanks so much Samantha. That's so nice of you."
Samantha:"no problem."
Mikey:" hey y/n"
Mikey still looked cute as ever but he had totally shut you out of his life a few months ago for no reason.
You:" hi Mikey."
Mikey:" do you mind if I talk to you in private for a second?"
Samantha and Bianca walk away and leave you two alone.
Mikey:" how have you been?"
You:" Mikey, just get to the point."
Mikey:" ok. I'm sorry. I know I haven't talked to you for a while, it's because so much happened recently"
You:" oh well I wouldn't know because I guess my phone works for everyone but you."
Mikey:" please just listen. . . My parents got a divorce. We all saw it coming. But my mom was inside the house balling her eyes out when my dad and I got into a huge fight before he left to go back to New York. I got mad at him for doing this and he tried to make it seem like it was my mom's fault. And. . . I told him that he was leaving my mom for a whore. . . He got pretty angry. . .and slapped me. And then he left without saying or doing anything else. I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel like anything mattered anymore. I didn't talk to anyone but my mom and Bianca. I didn't know what to do. Things seemed so different and I thought it was because my dad had left, but really, it was because you had left. Y/n, I've missed you so much. This whole time I needed someone to comfort me, and I thought Bianca could do it, but the person I really need is you."
You give him a hug. A long tight hug, one that could last forever, he needed you right now no matter how mad you were with him.

Jake's POV
First, y/n surprises me on set and now this? She was amazing.
Selena:" So, I heard about you and your new girlfriend."
Jake:" yeah. She's amazing."
Selena:" I bet. Didn't she help with all of this?"
Jake:" yeah. It's crazy, she does so much for me and feel like I can never do enough for her."
Selena:" well do you love her?"
Jake:" yes. So much."
Selena:" does she know that"
Jake:" I don't know. I think so. It's just that I do a lot for her but I don't do a lot with her. How can I spend time with her and show her that i love her if I'm never there for her." I tell Selena the whole story about y/n's life and how I've tried everything I could to make her happy.
Jake:" and before I left we-"
Selena:" you. . .? What?"
Jake:" nothing."
Selena:" wait, you guys-"
Jake:" yes."
Selena:" Jake! Oh my gosh! What was it like?"
Jake:" I'd rather not get into details, but it was pretty amazing."
Selena:" wow! On your first time too. I need to meet this girl. Where is she?"
I look around the crowded room and at first I don't see her, but when I kept looking, I saw her. In Mikey's arms. Mikey? Why was Mikey here? Can't I just have y/n to myself without him getting in the way. Ok, maybe I'm jealous. But that's only because it's hard to compete with a guy like Mikey. Even though he's hurt her in past, she always goes back to him.
Selena:" is that her over there?! Hugging that really hot guy?"
Jake:" oh. Um yeah. That's like her best friend."
Selena:" Ok! I want to meet y/n. . . And this boy."

Your POV
Mikey backs away from you.
You:" are you ok?"
Mikey:" yeah, it's just-"
Jake comes up behind you with Selena and puts his arm around your waist.
Jake:" hey baby. . ."
Jake kisses you. Mikey looked uncomfortable.
Jake:". . .Mikey? It's really you. What's up man?"
Mikey:" not much. Uh Happy Birthday."
They give each other an awkward bro hug.
Jake:" thanks."
We stand there in silence. Selena clears her throat.
Jake:" oh yes. Y/n this is Selena, Selena this is y/n. and this is Mikey. Mikey, Selena, Selena, Mikey."
You:" hi nice to meet you."
She gives you a hug.
Selena:" it's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. Jake just can't stop talking about you."
She turns to Mikey.
Selena:" so Mikey, how long are you staying here?"
Mikey:" just a week."
Selena:" well that should be fun. Do you want to go hang with me?"
Wait. Was Selena flirting with Mikey?!
Jake:" Selena he has a girlfriend."
Mikey:" I used to have a girlfriend."
What? So Mikey and Bianca broke up?! Finally!!!
Selena:" even better. Let's go."
Selena grabs Mikey's hand and takes him to the dance floor.

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