Chapter 12

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You get in the shower.
Devil:" know what would help? That razor."
Angel:" probably not. There's no reason for it."
Devil:"you know you're ugly and fat. Jake is probably overly excited to be leaving for 6 months."
Angel:"6 months is a long time. What are you going to do without him?"
Devil:"You can't even take care of yourself for one day. That's probably why Donny found you to be so easy."
You ignore the angel this time. You were tired of hearing them talk. Just because you cut a few times doesn't mean you'll keep doing it. You grab the blade and cut again. There was no need for persuasion. You just did it but this time it meant something more. One for every month Jake would be gone, one for your mom, one for your brother, and one for Bianca. Mikey didn't deserve you anymore. After what he said at the hospital and how he hasn't even called to check on you or your family. He didn't even reply to your stupid text. After all you did to keep your friendship going and he walks out on you. What kind of friend does that? Well Bianca did too but at least she wasn't giving you the silent treatment. You do your business and get out the shower.

Jake:"Ready to go?"
You:"yeah. Oh is it ok if we pick up Bianca?"
Jake:"yeah. Mikey too?"
Just hearing his name pissed you off.
You:" I don't think I'll be seeing Mikey for a while."
Jake:" Alright. Lets go. Toss me my keys?"
Jake was wearing a leather jacket looking hotter than ever. You toss him the keys and he catches them without really looking.
You:"wow that was pretty badass."
Jake:"you know it baby."
He kisses you on the cheek and opens that door for you. You walk out.
You pick up Bianca and head to six flags. The whole car ride Bianca talked about how she still loved Mikey even though he kissed you and she kept apologizing for getting mad at you. Even though she was your best friend, she could get super annoying. Finally you arrive at Six Flags.

You all hop out the car, get your tickets and go in.
Bianca:" Let me go to the bathroom before we get started." She leaves for the bathroom.
Jake:"I know she's your friend but-"
You:"she's annoying."
Jake:"yeah pretty much."
You started to wish that Mikey was there so Bianca wouldn't have to third wheel and annoy you and Jake. But no. Mikey had to be an ass about everything so he can stay at home by himself. Bianca comes back from the bathroom after about five minutes and you start to ride the rides. Jake puts on his sunglasses so no one notices him. Typical famous person.

You:"Let's ride this one!"
Jake:"That's like the most biggest and fastest ride here. I don't think you can handle it."
You:"oh yeah? We'll see about that."
Bianca:"you guys go ahead. I don't really like super big super fast rides. I'll just wait here."
You and Jake leave Bianca without trying to persuade her to ride with you guys. You and Jake get in line.
Jake:" one hour wait from here."
You:"that's not too bad."
Jake:"yeah especially when our other option is to-"
He stopped.
You:"what? hang out with Bianca?"
Jake:"you said it not me."
You laugh.
Jake:"but that just means I get more time with you."
He puts his arm around you and he keeps it there until you guys get to the front of the line.
Jake:"where do you want to sit?"
You:"the back. It's faster in the back."
You and Jake walk to the very last car, put the belt on and pulled down the vest from above your head.
Announcer:" alright is everybody ready?! We'll be leaving in 3...2...1...."
The ride doesn't go anywhere.
Announcer:"let's try this again... 3-"
The ride shoots off.

Jake screams the whole time and you laugh at him. Soon the ride comes to an end.
Announcer:"thank you all for riding and have a great day. Please exit to your right."
You both get off and see the picture. Jake's face was priceless. You were laughing at Jake.
Jake:"I love it. Lets just get one, blow it up and frame it." It was hard telling if he was being sarcastic or not.
Jake:"can we have this one please?"
Hmm, he wasn't being sarcastic.
You go out the exit and find Bianca.
Jake:"where is she?"
You:"she was right here when we left. I don't know where she went."
Jake:"do you think someone took her!?"
You:"no. Why would they do that."
You both look around. And there she was. Being taken right in front of your eyes.
You:"Jake you were right. she was taken."

You:"she was taken on a date. Look at her. Laughing and being all flirty with that guy."
Bianca was sharing a basket of fries with a tall guy with dark hair. His back was toward you so you couldn't see his face.
Jake:" How'd that happened?"
You:" Well, she had a hour and she used it well apparently."
Jake:"should we go over there or just leave?"
You:" hold on let me check."
You text Bianca: "so you've been busy in the last hour."
Bianca:"Yeah. I'm so happy I met him here.
You: "ooooh who is he?"
Bianca:" why don't you come over here and find out."
You and Jake walk over to Bianca and the guy. As you got closer you realized who it was. You started to get nervous but at the same time you were pissed. You were finally starting to have fun and forget about him and then he shows up. It was Mikey.

Bianca:" Isn't it awesome?! Mikey made it!"
You didn't make eye contact with Mikey.
Jake:"I thought you said he wasn't coming."
You:" He wasn't invited."
Bianca:"oh.... I thought he was so I texted him to meet us here."
Mikey still didn't say anything. He just kept looking at you.
Jake:" Did you drive up here or catch a bus or something?"
Bianca:" Oh his mom dropped him off. I told him he could ride back with us."
You and Mikey? In the same car? Lets see how that works out.
Mikey wasn't saying a word but a few nights ago he had so much to say.
Bianca:" Oh! I forgot to tell you! Me and Mikey are officially dating!"
and you had officially heard enough. you walk away. Jake comes up behind you.
Jake:" y/n-"
You:" jake......can I just be by myself for a second. I'll come back.....probably."
Hopefully someone would have taken the knife out of your back before you went back.
Jake:" alright."
Jake leaves and goes back to talk to Bianca and Mikey.

Jake's POV
I walked back to Mikey and Bianca.
Bianca:"why is she being like this?"
Jake:"Because of your new boyfriend"
Mikey:" Jake, please. me and y/n will be ok."
Jake:" Are you sure about? Because she's been having nightmares and weird mood swings ever since you left."
Mikey:" I left her because she chose the wrong man."
Jake:" Chose the wrong man? This man has been staying up with y/n until 2 in the morning because of what you did!"
Mikey:" I've been with her for -"
Jake;"Yeah. You've been with her for four years and you weren't there the time she needed you the most. You aren't acting like a man. You're acting like a boy"
Bianca sat there speechless eating fries.
Mikey:"you want to see who's man enough."
Jake:"I already know who's man enough. And I'm pretty sure it's not you."
Mikey:" haha we both know that I am."
Jake:" then prove it! Go apologize to her like a real man."
Mikey leaves with an attitude. I was left alone with Bianca.
Jake:" Sooooo. Do you think the plan worked?"
Bianca:" yeah. It was so hard convincing Mikey to come down here."
Jake:"I just hope they make up."
Bianca:"seriously. I don't want to choose sides."
Jake:" so are you guys really dating now?"
Bianca:" well he asked me out but after what just happened, I don't know if he really wants to go out with me."
Jake:"He will. He loves you just as much as he thought he loved y/n."
Bianca smiled and I helped her finish off the fries.

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