Chapter 6

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You and Jake walk out of school as if nothing happened and get into his car.
You:"so where are we going?"
Jake:"you'll see."
You guys were driving down a back road with lots of trees surrounding you on both sides. You start to doze off.
About 30 minutes later you wake in the middle of the forest. There was nothing in sight except for trees and a large zip lining post.
You:"Jake where are we?"
No answer. You look over and Jake isn't in the car. You get out the car.
You turn around and jake is at the top of the zip line post.
Jake:"come on up."
You walk over to the post. It had go be at least 20 feet high.
You:"how do you want me to get up there?"
You:"haha very funny"
Jake:"just use the ladder"
And out of no where a ladder appeared.
You climb up the ladder and met Jake at the top.
Jake:"are you ready to go?"
Jake:"just hold on to me ok?"
You hold on to Jake around the waist.
You:"don't we need helmets or something?"
Jake:"when I say let go, let go ok?"
Jake jumps off the post and you guys go flying threw the trees. You pass a huge house in the middle of no where and head down to a huge lake.
You:"what?! No I'm not jumping into that lake fully clothed."
Jake:"the only other option is to run into that tree down there"
Jake:"1.....2.....3. Let go"
You do as you're told and free fall into the lake.

Jake jumps after you going head first like a professional diver. The water is freezing but clear. you could see everything underneath. You come up for air.
You:"that was actually pretty fun."
Jake is no where to be found. He jumped right after you.
You:"don't jump out of the water and scare me."
Still no answer. Maybe there was somewhere you could get off the zip line without jumping into the water.
You:"jake....seriously. This isn't funny"
Still no answer. You go under water and look around. Nothing. You come back up for more air. This time taking an even deeper breath and going back under. And there he was, sinking to the bottom of the lake. The most reckless person you have ever met. But yet he was the most kind and sweetest one you have ever met was drowning right in front of your face. You panic. Your mind goes blank. You get light head. 'Just calm down. Swim down and bring him back up. Swim down and bring him back up.' You thought this to yourself over and over again and then finally your body got the message. You swim down and grab his arm. Wow. He was even cute drowning.
You pull him back up to the surface and swim back to shore. He had a huge scratch on his head. You start CPR.
You:"come on jake. Come on."
He coughed and water came up. He was alive.
You:"Jake! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy you're ok."
Jake:"me too. But....who are you?"

You:"Jake.....It's me. Y/n."
Jake:"who are you to me. Like my adopted sister or something?"
You:"No. Jake...."
Jake:" Are you my best friend's sister or like-"
You:" Jake. I'm your girlfriend. You brought me ice cream in detention. You got in a fight with Donny. I'm your girlfriend. Don't you remember?"
Jake:"yeah. I just wanted to hear you say it."
You:"What the hell jake! First I thought you were dead! Then I thought you had a concussion or something!"
You punch him in the arm.
Jake:"yeah. I probably would have died if it wasn't for you. You saved me. Thank you."
You:"what the hell happened?"
Jake:"I don't know. I guess I hit my head on a rock or something and got knocked out."
You:"why did you go head first?"
Jake:"I've always done it like that."
You:"gosh you are so reckless."
Jake:"but you still love me though right? Right"
You:"can we just go change into something dry. I'm freezing"
Jake:" sure. If you tell me you love me."
You:"Jake please. Can we-"
Jake:"do you love me?"
You:"*sigh* yes. Jake I love you."
He smiled his little smile that made you forgive him for everything that happened.
Jake:" I love you too."
You:" ok then can you take me home so I can change?"
Jake:" just come to my house. It's closer and you can get dry faster."
You:"ok. Lets go."

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