Chapter 17

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Mikey:" so-"
You:" this isn't real."
Mikey:" of course it is. People are dying to find out who you are!"
You:" this is too much to take in. I just-"
You get dizzy and start walking off balanced. Mikey looks toward you.
Mikey:" whoa. What did you have to drink?" His sarcasm wasn't helping. You fall and black out.
Mikey:" y/n . . . Y/n. . ."
You wake up in the E.R.
You:" crap. Why am I here? what happened?"
Mikey:" you passed out-"
Nurse:" from lack of food/sugar. When was the last time you had food?"
You:" about two days ago."
Nurse:" have you been busy lately? Running errands or exercising."
You:"yes. I guess you can say that."
Nurse:"Well you're going to need to eat some more."
mikey:" you fell and hit your head pretty hard."
you touch your head and a sharp pain comes.
Nurse:"and you are going to have you stay here for a few days until your head gets better and we know for sure that you won't pass out again or have troubles with your head"

A few days. What about your mom's funeral? You couldn't miss your only mom's funeral!
Mikey:" do you think she could leave tomorrow. Her mom's fune. . . Her mom has a thing tomorrow and she needs to be there."
Nurse:" I'm sorry. That's the doctor's orders."
The nurse leaves the room.
Mikey:" y/n I'm sorry. If you want I can go for you."
You:" no. Can you just stay here with me?"
Mike half grins.
Mikey:" sure."
You:" in a way, I'm kind of happy I can't go. I'd probably be too upset. I hate being upset. But another part of me wants to show that I love her."
Mikey:" how about this, when you can finally get out of here, we'll have a little funeral. Just you me and Nia."
Nia. Where was she anyways?
You:" where is Nia anyway?"
Mikey:" she had to stay downstairs in the lobby until the doctors cleaned up that huge gash on your head. Do you want me to go get her?"
You:" you left her by herself in the lobby?"
Mikey:" no. Bianca's with her."
You:" oh."
Mikey:" she i get Bianca too?"
You:" sure if you want."
Mikey goes downstairs and you're left alone. Your phone buzzes.
It's Jake.

The Texts:
Jake:" hey baby. I just got to Vancouver. My flight was a little delayed. I miss you already. How have you been?"
You:" pretty good. You?"
Jake:" same. What are you doing?"
You:" . . . . At the hospital"
Jake:" oh my gosh are you ok?!"
You:" yeah. It's just a gash on my head."
Jake:" smh. I leave you alone for a few hours and you're already in the hospital."
You:" I wasn't alone. Mikey was with me."
Jake:" oh."
You:"and Nia too of course."
Jake:" oh. That's cool."
You:" yeah... We just watched a little tv."
Jake:" you saw the interview didn't you?"
You:" yeah."
Jake:" and what do you think about it? Are you ok with people knowing who you are?"
Mikey walks back in the room with Bianca. You hide your phone under your leg.

Mikey:" Nia fell asleep so the nurse told me she'd look out for her."
Bianca:" hey! How are you feeling?! Oh my gosh your head looks horrible! How did it happen?! How did you get here?!"
Mikey:"Bianca calm down. You need to stop yelling. you're probably making her head hurt."
Mikey walks toward you and sits next to you and puts his hand on your shoulder.
Mikey:" are you ok?"
Bianca looks at Mikey confused and surprised. This was probably the first time Mikey ever stood up to her.
You:" yeah I'm fine. Hey Bianca. . . I'm glad you're here."
She sounded kind of pissed.
Bianca:" yeah. I'm glad you're ok. I'm going to leave so my loud mouth won't give you a headache."
She storms out the room and let's the door slam. Mikey follows her out the room looking irritated.
Mikey:" I'll be right back."
He closes the door. Not like it helped. You could hear every single word they were saying.

Mikey:" why are you getting so upset?"
Bianca:" you were with her, you've always been with her instead of me."
Mikey:" what are you-"
Bianca:" you know what I'm talking about! I see how you look at her and how you're always with her. You've started spending more time with her ever since we started dating. Shouldn't it be the other way around?"
Mikey:" *sigh* I know. I really want to be with you. But-"
Bianca:" but you're still in love with her aren't you?"
No answer.
Bianca:" Maybe we should just end this."
Mikey:" Bianca, we don't have to do this."
Bianca:" yes Mikey. We do. I'm just going to go and you take care of my best friend ok?"
Oh yeah. She was your best friend and now she was breaking up with Mikey because of you. But she went out with Mikey knowing you were mad at him. But that was a long time ago.....only a few days ago but still.
Mikey walks back in.

He fakes a smile and walks to the window. He stares out the window for a while and then finally speaks.
Mikey:" so you heard everything didn't you?"
You:" pretty much..."
He sits in the chair. You try to get up.
Mikey:" what are you doing stop you need to stay in bed."
He comes and helps you back on the bed. He sits next to you.
You:"this is all my fault isn't it?"
Mikey:" no of course not."
You:" of course it is. I'm always messing up stuff."
The nurse walks back in.
Nurse:" do you mind leaving for a while? She needs to get some rest."
Mikey:" sure. I'll be back later."
He leans over and gives you a hug and kisses you in your forehead and leaves the room. The nurse walks over to you and hands you a pill and a glass of water. You pop the pill in your mouth and drink some water.
Nurse:" you and your boyfriend are cute. How long have you been together?"
You choked.
Nurse:" oh honey are you ok."
You:" um yeah. He's not my boyfriend. He's just my friend."

Nurse:" ohhhh. Just your friend. Well when I was your age, "just friends" never looked at each other like that or kissed each other like that. You have to admit, you like him. At least a little bit."
You don't say anything. Instead you keep drinking your water.
Nurse:" well there's no doubt that he likes you. Why aren't you guys together?"
You:" He's been my best friend longer than anyone else has. I just don't want to ruin that. And besides, I already have a boyfriend."
Nurse:" well why isn't your boyfriend here?"
You:" because he's. . . He's out of town with his family."
You didn't want to blow the secret about you and jake.
Nurse:" and he's comfortable leaving you alone with an incredibly handsome guy like that? Wow. He must really trust you."
Wait, why was she judging your love life?
You:" this pill is starting to make me tired."
Nurse:" oh yes of course. Just press the button on the side of the bed if you need anything dear."
She walks out the room. You pull out your phone and start texting Jake again.

The Texts
Jake:" hello?"
You:" hey sorry. The nurse was talking to me."
Jake:" oh it's fine. So, are we keeping this a secret? I'm doing an interview tomorrow for the movie and everyone is dying to find out about you."
You think about it. What would happen if people did find out about you and Jake? How would people react? How would they treat you?
You:" sure. I don't care. I mean it's totally up to you."
Jake:" are you sure?"
You:"yes. But I have to go. The nurses are going to keep checking up on me and see if I'm sleeping."
Jake:" :( alright. I miss you. I wish I can see you."
You:" me too."
Jake:" I love you."
You:" I love you too."
You turn your phone off and fall asleep.

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