Chapter 7

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          My eyes fluttered open into a blinding white light that slowly faded to a ball above my head. My hazy vision took a few minutes to focus on colors and objects surrounding me. It felt like the entire room was spinning around me and I felt like I was about the throw up everywhere, but somehow I kept it down. Another sharp pain erupted in my chest and I reached for my chest to grab where the pain was coming from. I felt nothing against my chest. It was then I noticed that my wrists and ankles were restrained to the table I was laying on.

"What's going on?" I thought, with even my mind groggy and strange. "Is my mind under control?" I asked myself. I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out and I suddenly felt weak and hazy again. My vision blurred again and I was met once again with darkness.

I awoke again with the light still above my head. My vision eventually focused again, but faster this time. This time there was a man with a mask looming over me. There were muffled voices surrounding me along with a low beeping that repeated itself every few seconds, slowly picking up in pace as time passed. The voices were so muffled that I couldn't tell what they were saying, or even the gender of the person saying it for that matter. I tried to move my head to see who it might be, but I was locked in position the way I was.

One more pain erupted in my chest and went to reach for it, only to be reminded of the restraints on my wrist and ankles.

"Why can't I move?" I asked myself. "Why can't I speak?"

My vision went again to darkness

"Why can't I do anything?" I asked myself just before losing consciousness for a third time.

This time my ears came in clear and the voices were audible. There were a few men, along with about two women talking near me. I couldn't tell what direction exactly, but all I knew was that they were near me. I tried to speak again but was met only with a low gurgling noise.

The voices around me stopped for a second, only to erupt even louder than they were, so loud that my ears began to ring again. The people stood over me and I looked at each of them. One of them was only a few inches from my face seemingly screaming something at me, but I could barely understand what he was saying over the ringing in my ears. I looked at him for a few seconds, before once more losing consciousness.

This time I awoke with perfect hearing and sight. My vision was suddenly perfect with no blur to suffice for the sudden light, and my hearing was also suddenly perfect. Sadly, the only thing I could hear was the beeping, constantly repeating itself. Over and over again. Such a repetitive tone could drive a man to insanity. Beyond the beeping was pure white noise. I slowly tried to sit up from the table and noticed that I could once again move my arms and legs. I looked around the room for a few seconds.

To my left was a counter and beside me was an instrument that I had seen plenty of times before. It was a heart rate monitor. As I noticed the machine I could feel a slight sting in my left arm and my leg. I also noticed that my breathing was not my own. It was being regulated to me through a breathing tube.

"What happened?" I asked myself again. "Why am I in a hospital?"

To my right was another table with a white cloth lying over it. There was also a heart rate monitor next to it, but it's screen was blank. By the far end of the room I could see a door. I tried my best to swing my legs around to the side of the table.

When my feet touched the cold tile floor the stinging in my arm and leg went away and the mask around my nose fell off as well. I stumbled over to the door as fast as I could, sadly still very slowly. Once I reached the wooden door and reached for the cold metal handle something startle me nearly to the point where I fell backwards.

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