52) Pep Talks Equal Much Food

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A/N) Just a short chapter today, based on another writing prompt! 'Write a scene beginning with the line: "They needed a pep talk."'

Online: DynamicDiscoveries, CallMeCaptain

DynamicDiscoveries: They needed a pep talk.

CallMeCaptain: the Vegimals, very possibly the happiest and most enthusiastic beings on the planet - needed a pep talk?

DynamicDiscoveries: would you believe me if I said yes?

CallMeCaptain: So I suppose that's why they've made forty one batches of kelp cakes?!?

DynamicDiscoveries: ah ... Well the last time I checked they were only on twenty nine batches ...?

CallMeCaptain: why didn't you stop them?

DynamicDiscoveries: I don't know - they just seemed so happy

CallMeCaptain: 49 batches of kelp cakes!

DynamicDiscoveries: yeah, I know

CallMeCaptain: and that's just the kelp cakes!

CallMeCaptain; they've made almost thirty batches of fish biscuits as well!

DynamicDiscoveries: they've just seemed kind of down lately, and the pep talk seems to have really cheered them up

CallMeCaptain: what exactly did you say to them?!

DynamicDiscoveries: nothing much, I think...

DynamicDiscoveries: just some enthusiastic stuff, to get them back excited about baking and stuff

CallMeCaptain: I think that worked almost too well...

(All4Fun has logged on)

All4Fun: hate to ask - but

CallMeCaptain: Is this about the copious amount of food that seems to be in the kitchen at the moment?

All4Fun: yeah, I was wondering ...

CallMeCaptain: Shellington decided to give the Vegimals a pep talk

All4Fun: Well they have seemed a little quieter lately...

DynamicDiscoveries: see?

CallMeCaptain: Shellington, can you perhaps go give the Vegimals a pep talk that involves stopping making so much food?

DynamicDiscoveries: yes sir :/

CallMeCaptain: and then you can sound the Octo Alert

CallMeCaptain: the Octonauts have a lot of food to eat

All4Fun: too right ;D

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