New Start (6 months Later)

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Well it has been a hectic 6 months I can tell you that. My dad, if I can call him that, got sent down for life so he will never see the light of day again, good for me and Nathan. After the summer holidays, me and Nathan started up our education again in college as I moved back in with my mum. Nathan lived with us too as it was only a few minuits away from the college we went to so for us it was the easy option and it meant that we don't go into debt for our accomodation.

On the weekends we work down at the local pool as lifeguards just so we can get some extra cash for our school supplies.

We both got home that night to my mum cooking us dinner. I sat down on the sofa and just finished off some course work with Nathan and then we ate dinner. After was a tradition on a friday night, it was our night alone. My mum always goes out on a friday night to her friends so me and Nath said that it would be out time alone. We always needed it.

So here is my little tip for you all, now you have read my chase to stay with my love just take my advice, if you love them enough to never let go of them then keep on fighting.


Hey everyone,

Another book over with. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have writing it. You can message me if you need any help or advice.

Please take a look at my other works on my profile page, if you like what I write then thank you.

I am now part of a joint account with @Crazy4SykesTW  called UKUSfoundTW so go and take a look.

Thank you for reading.

Anna-May X

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