7. Almost perfect

Start from the beginning

"walt you wanna come" reez asked him.

'yeah! go every one, leaving me alone in this familiar place'

"no I'll stay here. You guys go ahead"

Wow I really thought he'll go.

"lets go" they are going hand in hand. I cant help but smile with happiness. They are so excited for a little wheel. They really are kids.

"I am sorry" he said suddenly. And I did my usual. I jumped at his voice. Internal face palming.

"for what?" I asked. I have no idea why would he apologise me.

"I know, me playing jokes on you makes you angry."

'yeah Columbus you discovered it'.

"its very hard for me to be happy priya" he stopped a bit saying that. I felt sad a little.

"ever since my mom, everything is hard for me. So I tried to forget about everything and started ignoring. Then Larren came. Somehow her presence made me feel peace. I wanted that peace to be with me forever. But she loved someone else, and went away. Then I decided not to react to this world and I did. Reez is not happy about it. She is always worried about me. I was never able to let Larren go but after that dinner at your house I was able to let her go. it was like a goodbye. Seeing them together as a couple made me realise that they are meant to be together. Now I feel free and peaceful. But I still love her and it doesn't hurts like it used to."

Oh my god he actually talking his heart. I don't know how to react. I am looking blankly at him.

"reez is right. Toughest of the things go easy when you are there. You make others feel comfortable. You make reez happy and strong. That's more than I ever wanted. But you also make me happy too. You are so pure and innocent. You cant hurt people even if you want to, so stop saying sorry to me. Even if you do I can always get my revenge by making fun of you. Teasing you is the only fun I can get you know" He said chuckling.

Teasing me makes him happy? He is saying good things about me and being a jerk at the same time. Only he can do that.

"I owe you a lot for a lot of things but I'll never stop teasing you. Its just so amusing to me. So please don't make it too easy for me. Try hard."

I cannot believe his nerve.

"I hate you" I said and that's it he started laughing so loud.

"priya" before I move to kill him reez called me from up.

"cathy" val is waving at me.

I looked up and suddenly looked away. A lot of old things came to my mind.

These things scare me too much. My body started tensed up. My breath suddenly went odd. I need air to breathe. I can't breathe. My head is spinning. I am sweating heavily. Everything is getting blurred. Suddenly my eyes closed on their own and I can't open them. Air.....

When I opened my eyes I am on a bench in reez's lap. Her eyes are worried.

So she came down to me without having the ride. What a disaster I am. They are here to have fun and I killed it all. Shit I hate myself.

"I am sorry" I said as I felt the never ending guilt.

I heard a sigh and I know whom it belong to.

"you don't leave that, word do you?" pain is obvious in his eyes.

'was he worried about me that much'.

"is cathy okay" little val asked who sat next to reez.

"I am okay. Now lets go get some fun" I said sitting up.

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