Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"I would offer you tea, but we don't have any milk." Fran explained, sitting on the sofa, and giving us a brief glare.
"Nobody told us we needed milk." Chloe and I muttered, in sync, and we glanced at each other. Erik glanced at his friend, seemingly bored already.

Wow. No need to be on such a high horse.

The other guy seemed to smirk a little more at that. Odd. Ignoring it, I sat down next to Fran as gracefully as I could, in an attempt to look at least minutely normal. I mean, this is the 60s. Everyone's calm and shit.

Mr. British smiled, though it seemed fake and then spoke, "My apologies, I haven't introduced myself. Professor Charles Xavier. I studied genetic mutation at Oxford University."

Son of a bitch. Irony strikes again.

"Is this soon enough for you, Chloe?" I smirk at her, to which she deadpans me. Meh. Like I care.
"Francesca Pajovic. I'm studying Art." Fran interrupted our minor argument.
"Are we introducing ourselves?" Chloe and I asked, in sync. Again. The events lie - we actually share a physic connection.

"Well I think so." Fran muttered to us.
"Uh, Ryder, Franklin. I, uh, work with computers." That's one way to put it, I guess.
"Chloe Dennis. I study flight. Well, stuff like aerodynamics." This is like the silliest thing ever. Period.
"Erik Lehnsherr. I travel." Wow. Basic guy. I think. Maybe.

Now everybody knows everybody, we can have a party, not accidentally do anything we'll regret - it'll be hella rad.

"So, uh, what are you doing here?" Chloe questions, to which Xavier smirks.
"I think you already know." His voice rang out, though his mouth never moved. Blinking slowly, I tried to process.

"What?" - Chloe.
"How?" - Fran.
"Balls." - Meme.

"Well that wasn't the reaction I expected." Erik muttered.

Surprise, surprise. People are all different and weird - as proven by at least 4 of us in the room. Well actually, might be wrong there.

"Now, I've shown mine. Care to share?" Silence fell, with all of us unwilling to go first, "Erik, would you mind?"

He smirked in response, clicking his fingers and making the coffee table rise. So, telekinesis? What is it?

"Fine. I'll go first." Fran exclaimed, rolling her eyes, "Ryder, do me a favour."
"Why me?"
"Because you're closest."
Turning to look at her suspiciously, I frowned, drawing out my question, "What kind of favour?"


A few moments later and I had a bloody palm, from the cut I just had to create. Fuck me. Fuck you and also fuck Fran for starting this.

"Sorry." Fran muttered, then put her hand onto mine, creating a white glow around the two, "Et Fini."

With that said, she removed her hand, leaving only a blood stain on my hand.
"Never again." I muttered, leaving to clean my hand. Behind me, Xavier started a conversation up with Fran about injuries or something.

"I volunteer for Ryder to go next." Chloe exclaimed as soon as I reentered the room, wiping my hand on an old blue tea towel.
"Seriously?" She merely shrugged in response, "Okay then. I'm gonna need something electrical."

Glancing around, I knew there was only one place with electricity and I am not going there. Very hush hush, not supposed to mention it. Only in emergencies.

"Don't light bulbs count as electrical?" Fran suggested.
"Yeah, but they're boring." I groaned.
"Well, where else are you gonna find something electrical? It's not like we can just walk into your work and say, Hey, we need to borrow an old computer that you don't need." Chloe added.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the lightbulb, standing directly beneath it, "Stay back. This may hurt."

Taking a deep breath, I reached up, having to go on my tiptoes, and poked the lightbulb. The effect was immediate.

Sparks flew, as did glass and I could practically see as the surge went through the lines, shorting out the other electrical products in the house - and possibly the neighbourhood.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."
"That was... Incredible." Xavier (never gonna call him Charles) commented, grinning wildly, "Do you know how it works?"
"Not really. Its kinda like I'm a big ball of electricity. When I come into contact with electrical stuff, it blows up in my face. Most of the time it isn't too bad but the less I do it, the bigger the output. As proven."

Xavier grinned even more brightly, and I think I saw Lehnsherr smiling. Damn. He doesn't seem like the kind to smile. It was probably a smirk.

"So, Chloe. The big finale is yours." Irony from Fran.

"Do I have to?"
"We did." I commented, to which Fran nodded.

With a sigh, Chloe wandered into the open hallway and pulled off her jacket, revealing an open backed, red top. Luck shines upon Chloe. Or maybe convenience. Maybe she knew. Either way, she was about to show her ability - so as to speak.

We all gathered around: Erik still by the guest seat, opposite the entrance; Xavier was stood next to the sofa, while Fran and I sat on the back of it.

A cracking sound echoed through the room and I frowned, kind of grossed out. With it, two five foot wings, that were as black as, well, the colour black could be, sprouted.

Chloe coughed awkwardly, crossing her arms over.
"Wow." Erik muttered from behind me. Even grouchy is impressed.
"That's amazing. How long have you had them? Have they always been retractable? Can you fly?" Xavier fired question after question, his curiosity peaking. With a small amount of help from Fran, Chloe set about answering them and I smiled, moving over to the actual sofa.

"They're quite some abilities you three have." Erik commented, joining me, "What do you do with them?" I frowned, confused by this. Do with them? What can you do with them?
"I blow up electricity, Fran can not only heal people, but kill them if she does it wrong and Chloe has gigantic wings growing out of her back. What are we supposed to do with them?"

"Well certainly not hide. You can do so much more."
"If we did suddenly accept our abilities, society wouldn't. They would label us as freaks, disown us and try to harm us. Even those who accepted us, may one day turn on us - I mean, we're only human. We're going to make mistakes, and they might be fatal - all because of some mutation. No, hiding is easier." My words fell, heavy in the silent air.

"What if I told you that you could help the world?" Xavier asked and I realised I had raised my voice while speaking.
"How would we do that?" Fran intercepted.
"Join us."

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