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| Prologue |

Glancing up as the door opened, I briefly noted that it was two males in their late twenties, before turning back to the bookshelf. Somewhere around here was a book that contained a paragraph about possible mutations in human genes at present times.

'There!' I thought to myself, spotting the red, hardback book, 'Biology 101. Or was it B2? Get both.'

Taking both, I immediately set about looking for the page. Deciding to look in B2 first, I quickly flicked through the pages, soon reaching chapter 8, which was about mutation. Scanning the page, I slowly wandered to where I knew the sofas were.

'Mutations are essential for survival. This is proved by the evolution of mankind. Before modern-day humans existed, there were two -' Crashing into someone, I dropped the books, internally swearing.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking." Scrambling to pick up the books, I accidentally head butted them instead and panicked.
"I am so so sorry, I didn't see you-"
"No, no. It's quite alright." A deep voice, with a slight accent (German, I think), retorted. The owner of the voice was a lightly tanned man, with dark brown hair, combed to the left side of his face. His facial features were sharply formed, with an on-point jaw line that anyone would be jealous of (even Cumberbatch).

"Here, let me help," He picked up Biology 101 as I grabbed B2, "Biology, huh? You should meet my friend, he has a degree in it."
"It isn't what I'm studying, just something a friend recommended I read." I quickly made up, though his raised eyebrows suggested he didn't believe me.

"Well then, our friends would get along well," He smirked, revealing pearly white teeth, as straight as could be, "Erik, Erik Lensherr."
"Ryder Franklin, a pleasure to meet you," I shook the hand he offered, then gestured to the book, "Could I-"

"Ah, yes. My apologies for bumping into you." Handing the book back, I smiled at him.
"Me too, I wasn't looking where I was going," A sudden thought hit me - what am I doing? - "I'm gonna have to go, see you, Lensherr."

"And you, Franklin." Finally looking in his grey eyes, I noted their dullness, before smiling, nodding my head slightly and rushing off to get my books checked out.

I have to tell Fran and Chloe about this.

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