Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Inside, the room was a dump. Seriously. Broken pieces of chairs lay, scattered; the window had collapsed, leaving glass everywhere and outside, Xavier and Lehnsherr stood, almost - no, definitely - glaring at a certain group of mutants. At the front of which, there stood Raven, looking somewhat crestfallen.

"What in seven hells? Do I even want to know?" I muttered to myself, before picking my way across the floor to where Chloe stood, with her huge wings behind her, slouching to just touch the floor.
"Ryder! When did you get back?" She grinned, as if she hadn't done anything wrong. So, as a responsible adult, I stared at her for a moment and sighed.
"Just now. I can see you had fun here. What exactly happened?"

Her grin fell slightly, before turning into a small, barely detectable, smirk, "Well, we were just having fun and testing our mutations, like you do, and it kind of just, uh, escalated."
"No kidding, pal. No kidding." Sighing once more, I glanced over at the others, who had all moved away to their different spots, including Lehnsherr and Xavier. Although, they had disappeared completely - not moved spots.

Keeping this in mind, I turned on my heel and headed over to the kitchen, intent on getting another bottle of coca-cola. Because, while I may be an adult and legally allowed to drink alcohol, it would be a bad idea for everyone.

Man, imagine electricity drunk. That'd be me. Almost literally.

Oh my god, there is only one bottle of coca-cola left in the fridge. If there is a God, He is somewhat on my side tonight. Thanks, buddy.

Taking my drink away, I flopped on a sofa and simply watched as everyone interacted, sipping away as I did. It sounds weirder than it is, okay? 'Cause people are more interesting when no one is looking - or at least, when they think no one is looking.

That's when they're themselves the most, making it an excellent habit to get into.

Raven was chatting to Angel about how Xavier was "just being dramatic" and "he wasn't usually like this"; Alex and Sean were having a game of something, on an arcade machine - with Shaun winning, might I add; Hank and Fran had sprung up a conversation about medicine and how Fran's powers could be used for the "greater good", leaving only Chloe and Darwin, with the two of them in a deep discussion about how effective flight was as a survival method.

So this is lovely. People are so weird.

A few moments passed and I was beginning to finish my coca-cola, when a knock echoed from the door, causing the noise to die down. With all eyes on it, I'm glad I'm not on the other side of it.

Taking some initiative, Raven stood and strode over to answer it, her blonde hair swaying with each mildly-bouncy step. A quick glance at Chloe confirmed my suspicions.

Sinner, much?

Raven opened the door, and called out a greeting softly, though there was a slight harsh undertone to it, as if expecting violence. In response, a deep voice, that was barely audible, muttered to her. Whatever he said, it made her blush for a moment, before regaining her confidence, and the two continued in a hurried conversation, until she shut the door, leaning against it lightly.

"What happened?" Sean spoke up for the group. Good on you, buddy.
"Have any of you realised how late it is? It's nearly midnight!" At this, I glanced over at Fran and Chloe, who had the same glint in their eyes.

Midnight is practically 6pm to us. Sleep is rarely scheduled in our house and let it be kept at that.

"The guard said that they have rooms we can stay in for the night, since it's probably too late to sort out a hotel."
"More like so they can keep us close, not let us run away." Alex mumbled to himself and I pretended to not have heard that because God damn are you pessimistic. It may be true, but seriously. Pessimism.

"We might as well. Who knows how long we'll be here?" Angel added, with Darwin nodding in agreement.
"What about the, uh, you know, mess?" Hank seemed to blush a little in embarrassment.
"The guard said they'll handle it, okay? Great. Any other questions? No? Okay then. See you all in the morning."

And thus ended my first day at band camp.

Wait, you mean this isn't band camp?
Dammit, Carl!
A/N: so I haven't updated in forever but whatever man i don't give a fuck at this point my life has completely descended this past weekend so imma try to go back to le writing, m'kay?
And like I know it's short as fuck but whatever
Already have plans for next actual movie scene tho 'cause not many have been described (Ryder's fault)
It kind of sounds like Ryder is homophobic with the sinner thing but actually it's a joke
The joke being that in the 60s it was kinda homophobic, almost like it is today
I wonder about progress sometimes
and also, Ryder is based on me
Guess what

I'm a sinner too
Laterz y'all

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