Niall nodded and nuzzled into my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. We stood like that for a few moments until he let out a large yawn. I chuckled and he leaned back to smiled, sheepishly.

"Are you a tired puppy?" I teased.

He nodded sleepily and I gently moved him to the couch. He laid down and cuddled up to the pillow. I placed the blanket over him and he smiled up to me.

"Night, Niall."

"N-Night," his eyes fluttered shut and it wasn't long until his breathing evened out as he fell asleep.

I smiled and I went to find my computer. I booted it up and went to Google. I researched the idea of half animal humans and a few links popped up.

'Part human, part animal myth...'

'Myth Buster: Are part animal, part humans possible?'

'Scientific studies show hybrids are just myths...'

I sighed as I shut my laptop. They were just myths. But if they were just myths, why was one living in my house? I ran a hand though my hair as a wave of exhaustion hit me. I rubbed at my eyes and went to bed. It didn't take long to fall asleep. And it didn't seem like very long until my alarm was going off to signal that I needed to go to work.

I grudgingly got ready for work. I seriously debated calling in again but I also almost wished Niall would ask me to stay again. I didn't know why or how or even when but I found myself caring for the boy, probably more than anticipated. I rubbed at the back of my neck as I walked into the front room. I glanced over at Niall who was sleeping. I smiled at the sleeping boy and made myself some breakfast. I made myself some eggs and toast and made some extra for Niall. I made two plates and set Niall's in the microwave. I ate my breakfast in silence and about half way through, Niall walked in. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and I couldn't help but smile.

"F-food?" He asked.

"I'll get it for you."

I got up to get his food and I placed it on the table in front of the waiting boy. He smiled up to me.

"Th-thank you, Li-Liam."

"You can just call me Li if you want," I shrugged. "It's shorter."

"O-okay," he smiled wider as he dug into his food.

I smiled to the boy as I sat down to finish my meal. Niall practically devoured his food and was finished before I was.

"Was it that good?"

He sheepishly nodded and a blush flooded his cheeks. I chuckled as I gave his the rest of my food. He smiled and I could see his tail wagging. I glanced at the clock and sighed. I stood and placed Niall's empty plate in the sink.

"I've got to go now, Ni."

"D-do not go?" Niall prompted.

"I wish I could stay home with you," I said.

"T-teach Niall m-more?"

"Teach me more," I corrected.

"Teach me more?" Niall repeated.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Niall looked up at me with wide eyes and I knew I was defeated.

"Let me go call into work," I grumbled.

Niall jumped up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and he nuzzled into my neck. I scratched at his ears and he seemingly melted. He yawned widely and I let him go.

"Are you still tired?"

He nodded and I laid him down. I went into the other room to call my work and of course Becky answered.

"Mr. Anthony's office. How may I help you?"

"Hey, Becky. It's Liam-"

"Mr. Payne are you calling in again?"

"Yes, I just can't seem to get over this stomach bug I've got."

"You better start coming to work, Mr. Payne. Or we'll have to stop paying you."

"Of course, thanks."

"Good bye, Mr. Payne."

She hung up and I went to go change. I changed into sweats and pulled out a t shirt.

"Li?" Niall peeked his head in.

"What do you need, Niall?"

"Cl-clothes? Sh-shower?" He then pointed to himself before continuing. "D-Dirty."

"Sure," I chuckled.

I tugged on my shirt and Niall blushed a tad. I pulled out clothes for him and handed them to me. He smiled widely and it pulled at my heart strings. He ran into the bathroom and started to shower. I pulled out my laptop again and tried to look for my things on people like Niall. But the same searches came up. I ran a hand through my hair and blew out a gust of hair. I heard a bang and a loud yelp. I rushed to the bathroom and saw shampoo all over the tile floor. I also saw a wide eyed Niall curled into a ball whimpering under the shower head.

"It's alright, Niall. You didn't mean to."


"It's alright. Just finish your shower and I'll clean this up."

"Sorry, sorry."

"Niall," I soothed. "It's alright. You didn't even stutter right then. You're getting better."

He didn't seem to hear me, he just continued chanting that he was sorry. I sighed as I walked over to him. I reached out toward him slowly and scratched at his ears. The whimpering died down and I scrubbed in the rest of the shampoo into his hair. I scooped up some water and rinsed it over his head until I got all the shampoo out of his hair. The whimpering had stopped by then and Niall was letting me wash his hair. I reached around to grab his towel after I had shut off the water. I dried his hair off and wrapped the towel around him. He still refused to stand so I scooped him up in my arms. He whimpered but let me carry him as he clung to me. I set him down on the bed and tears were in his eyes. I bent down so we were eye level with each other and I reached up to cup his face.

"What's wrong, Niall?"

"L-loud n-noise," he mumbled.

"It's alright," I wiped at his tears.

"Dr. Sh-Shell y-yells at Ni-Niall."

"Dr. Shell? Is he the man that made you?" Niall nodded and I rubbed at his ears to help him calm down. "He would yell at you? Why?"

"F-for messes. A-and loud s-sounds."

"Oh," I said, thoughtfully. "I'm going to take care of you, Niall. I'm not going to yell at you for loud noises or spills if you clean them up, okay?"

Niall didn't respond he just continued looking at his hands. I made him look at me and he sniffled.

"Niall, listen to me," I whispered and he made eye contact with me. I stared at his gorgeous blue eyes as I said, "I'm not going to treat like your creator did. I'm going to take care of you, okay?"

"P-promise?" He said so softly I almost didn't hear him.

"I promise. I'm going to take care of you."

Niall nodded and I planned on trying my hardest to keep my promise.

[A/N] Lalalala love you guys. ♥ Sophie  

Don't forget to read the actual stories Uniquely Perfect, Uniquely Flawlessly, and Uniquely Three. I totally came up with that last one. ;D

Prequelly Unique - Niam Horayne (Prequel to Uniquely Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now