[Beywheelz Request] Jin x Reader

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I was headed to the dojo again. My bag slung over my sholder and my __(c)__ hair tied up in a ponytail. I wore loose sweatpants and a tanktop under my sweater. I was whistling to myself as i strolled towards the dojo.

I was very skilled in various forms of martial arts, everything from Karate to Kung Fu and everything in between. I started learning when i was only young...5 actually.

I was bullied alot by kids older or stronger than me....and it drove me crazy. So i put myself in Karate, i soon realized i had real talent for it. I was extremely flexible and very fast. In three years i was almost a black belt and i was consided amazing at it. 2 years later, when i was 10 i got my first black belt. And now i'm __ and considerd a lethal weapon.

Not long ago i broke my leg during a tournament, i was layed up for months and i just got back into the game a week ago....and i found out my teacher got a new pupil. Apparently he was a beywheeler...a pro one at that. He allready had alot of training in the martial arts field. but my teacher decided to take him on and test him. Even though i was a black belt i still accepted help from my instructors...but i couldnt help being a little pissed at the new guy. I just shrugged it off and pretended i was fine. I was suppost to meet him today....i had to admit, i was a bit curious, apparently this guy was really good...if my teacher admitted that on his first day than he had to be skilled.

I crossed the street and walked into the japanese-style building. A tall japanese man with long jet-black hair tied back in a low ponytail, sat cross legged on the floor, meditating. He didnt even look up when i enterd. I took my sweater off and put my bag down on the floor and joined him. I sat down and crossed my legs and sat beside him. Facing the same direction. It was all silent, all i could hear was my slow breathing and my heart beat when the door opend slowly. My piercing __(c)__ eyes opend halfway to see a black haired male standing in the doorway.

"Hello Jin" My teacher said beside me. His eyes were still shut.

"Go introduce yourself __(n)__" he instructed. I untangled my legs and rose. I walked over to the teenager that Sensei adressed.

"Hello" he said. As i walked closer i saw his golden eyes watching me carefully.

"Hello. You must be Jin. My name is __(n)__." i said, bowing my head.

"A pleasure to meet you __(n)__" he bowed too.

"Come. We must meditate" Sensei said. I walked over and left Jin to put his stuff on the floor next to mine. I sat on his right. Jin sat across from me, forming a triangle. "While we relax, why dont we get aquainted shall we? I know how impatient today's youth can be" Sensei said. That was a phrase he used alot.

"Answer my questions then...What are your full names?" Sensei asked.

"__(n)__ __(mn)__ __(ln)__." i replied.

"Jin Ryu" Jin replied.

"Belt?" Sensei asked.

"Black belt" i replied.

"Black belt" Jin said. I was surprised.

"You too?" we both asked in unision. Sensei chuckled lightly.

"Allright. How long have you been studying Karate?" Sensei asked.

"Ever since i was 5" i replied.

"Me too" Jin said. I rose an eyebrow.

"This is starting to get scary" i said. He nodded.

"That is enough for now..." Sensei said and rose....and promptly tired to karate chop my head. I blocked it easily. I rose an eyebrow.

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