"It's mine! I found it!" One argued as another one wrestled it for the thing, both orcs fall to the ground rolling.

"I captured them! I even got to injure the other one!"

I twitched at the word 'injure' and decided I had heard enough. I turned to go back to my horse when another voice breaks through the fighting.

"Enough you two! The Master will not be pleased if he sees you fighting," he seemed to point out, "Besides, we got to meet up with the rest. They still got the prisoners tied up somewhere."

My ears perk up at the words and suddenly I am before them. They turned towards me slowly and my eyes land on the necklace still clasped in one of their vile hands. He was going to die first.

"Can we eat him?" One asks as he licked his lips and my face contorts in disgust.

"Tell me where the prisoners are and your lives shall be spared," I spat and they seemed to not take me seriously for not a moment later the air was filled with their ragged laughter. I felt my anger rising upon seeing the necklace carefully stashed into his dirty clothing. I fought the urge to gag. I drew my daggers, eyeing the one that had kept the necklace.

"You shall die first," I hiss as I lunged forward, signaling the start of our battle. I fought them hard and did not stop until I had but one enemy left. I held him down, my daggers a ring around his neck.

"Tell me where they are," I asked, my voice evidently shaking from my own outburst of emotions. The orc laughs a throaty laugh causing me to flinch in annoyance.

"Do they mean anything to you, elf scum?" He asks in a mocking tone, "perhaps the she elf does?" I tighten the daggers around his neck.

"Ah, so it is the she elf. What will you do, boy?" He seemed to challenge, " what will you do if you find her? When she is all but used and spent?" I silenced him once for all. I will find them by my own means, even if I have to dig to the lowest of dungeons. I take the necklace from the dead orcs body and felt my heart heavy at the sight of it.

I will find you.

I cleaned it as best as I could and kept it in one of my pockets. I walked towards the bag, stashing away the weapons so that I may bring them with me. I looked through the rest of the things and found a wooden horse among the looted items and a parchment paper. My hands were shaking slightly as I grabbed it, unrolling it in my hands. I felt the world disappear for a moment as I see her face once again. She was in deep thought, from the looks of it. She always had that look when she was thinking. Like she had just jumped out of time itself and she cared not for anything around her. I lazily trace the outline of her face, her eyes and her dark hair. She was captured perfectly. Perfect enough to make me want to just put my hand through the paper, hoping I would somehow find her on the other side. Her fingers hold on to the necklace and I do not think I have felt such longing.

Whoever drew this certainly had a gift for it seemed she had not sketched only a face but the emotion that was lingering in that moment. And in this picture, all I could see and feel was sadness. Turwaithiel was sad.

I quickly roll the parchment and stuff it along with the other things. I hang the bag over my shoulders and begin my search on the camp. Hoping to find some kind of clue to where they were. They must not have gotten far. When my search was in vain, I decided to just go with my gut as I reunited with my horse. I tie the bag on his saddle before I mount, heading to the direction of where my heart seemed to lead me.

The sun was sinking when I had managed to catch a smell of fire and rotten food. I knew it was an orc camp and I was positive she was there. I hid in the shadows, hiding my horse as I sneaked closer to the camp.

"Do not touch her!"

I felt the air leave my lungs as her familiar voice rings in my ears. She was alive, she was still speaking, by the Valar, please let her be okay. I crept closer and saw three posts near the fire. Turwaithiel was tied up to the post in the middle. Her hands crossed and tied above her head. Her hair in disarray. Mud smudged her clothing and painted her fair skin and I had never seen anything quite beautiful. She glared at the orc that was bent low on the other person that was tied up to the post to her left.

I could not get a clear view of who it was but I was certain it was female. I looked on to the third prisoner and my heart sank upon seeing the child. He was unconscious and looked close to death. I did not have much time. There was a deep laughter before the orc stood up, turning to face Turwaithiel. I could now see the golden haired...elleth? She was unconscious and blood smudged her sides. I felt a sinking feeling that I would only be able to save two of them. Her injuries seemed to be severe. The orc walks over to Turwaithiel and grabs her face, tilting it to meet his. I grip on my bow, readying an arrow to embed directly on its head.

"Jealous? Oh, don't worry. You'll get your turn," He mocks and there was laughter around the camp.

"She's that girl, the one that woodland prince was rumored to be looking for." One of them sneers and I saw the emotion flash through her face. There had been rumors? Who would start such a thing? Had Aragorn actually been asking about her? Perhaps that was why he insisted on stopping through every village or town we came across. I shake my head in disbelief as Turwaithiel never seemed to waver from her defying glare.

"Oh, would your prince still come for you even if you have been defiled?"

Turwaithiel evidently shudders at the word but she kept her chin up and I realized what she was doing. She was buying time for all of them. Who was she expecting to come save them? The orc traces her jaw and I have had enough.

"What will you do now? If your prince does not show up on time?" Turwaithiel closes her eyes as if in prayer and I step out of the shadows, aiming my arrow directly at the orc touching her.

"Would you consider this a good time?" I asked and the orc turns to me with a shocked expression. Turwaithiel's blue eyes snap open and locked into mine for a moment and I swear I could see relief there that gave me a sense of comfort. Was she hoping for me to arrive? I loosened my bow before the orc could even stand up.

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