The Story of Him (2nd Part of 3.)

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He grasps my thighs hard and open my legs as wide as he wants them. He widens them so much that I start to feel uncomfortable. "Ow, ow." I say.
"What?" He says annoyed, looking up at me.
"That hurts. My legs can't widen that far, Adam."
"You do what I want. If you don't want this, I can put you to bed for the rest of the night." He says.
I bite my lip and hold back tears; I feel like he's going to hit me again. I push him off of me and attach my lingerie back on, running out of his bedroom, into the living room and let myself fall onto the carpet, burning my knees. I sob until all of my tears are gone. I look around to see Adam no where. Where did he go? I stand up and wipe my blood shot eyes and fix my hair.
"Adam?" I say. No answer. I walk to his bedroom. There's no one in there. I hear a noise from the closed bathroom. I walk slowly to it and softly open the door. There, in the warm water, was Adam. What an asshole. I bite my lip and watch as he runs his conditioner through his light brown hair. He turns towards me and smirks; rinsing the conditioner.
"Care to join me, beautiful?" He says as he combs his hair.
I shake my head and turn for the door. But right as my back turns; the water turns off. I turn my head around and see Adam is red faced. Fuck. I run out his bedroom and for the kitchen; he grabs my waist and turns my torso over so I'm facing him. He breaths through his gritted teeth. I imagine smoke coming out of his ears like so in the cartoons. He lifts me up and gets my lingerie and body wet with the shower water which is now cold. I whimper as he places me up on the counter and spreads my fragile legs apart and starts thrusting in and out of me harder than he ever has. I scream and kick my legs but it's no use. He grabs my butt hard with both of his hands. I attempt to push his shoulders back but he's too strong. I sob as he's pleasuring himself. He grabs a fork from the dishwasher and licks it. I scream again but it's no use; we're in the middle of nowhere.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He repeats struggling with getting his big dick inside my hold repeatedly. He pulls out and I whimper as he pushes me over so my back is touching the freezing kitchen counter. He kneels and licks my clit softly and enters his tongue into two of my three holes and I try to push him off me but he's gripping my thighs hard. He then fucks me softly with the fork. I scream loud and close my legs managing to push his disgusting hands off my thighs. I sit up and cross my legs and look at him through blurry eyes.
"G-go away. Leave m-me alone. You sick f-freak." I say and jump off the counter and sprint towards the nearest bathroom. I lock myself in and turn on the shower.  I was just raped. I want to go home. God fucking damn it. How did I let this happen? I let the tears begin rolling hard down my red cheeks and choke on mucus and tears. I rip the stupid cum-filled and wet lingerie off and step into the warm water and let the shower take over. I sit down and bring my knees to my chest and cry. I can't go home. He bought me. There are no refunds. How the hell am I supposed to get out of here. This is torture. I was just raped. Raped. I repeat that nasty word over and over in my head a million times. Kill him? Kill myself? See where it goes? Run away?

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