Part Two: He's free. . .

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Harlyn POV

I walked tediously away from my best friend. My tears fall slowly, I realized that I won't be able to see my best friend who's always been there for me. I started to ran as fast and far away from him. I stumbled and came to a halt.

I fell on my knees. I sob so hard, harder than I thought I would. It felt like everything crashed into my shoulder and make sure that I won't be able to get up. My heart broke down. I was alone.

But I have to go. I need to get away from him. He doesn't have to suffer anymore. I used the same excuse over and over again just to make sure he wouldn't know the truth. Gabe kept it a secret for a long time now he can be free and open to not to lie to any other person.

I have ruined his life for 7 years , I can't take any more of his life away from him anymore he has given me more than enough. And so does Timo, they deserve more than me, more than someone who lies and deceives the people she cares and love the most.

I walked past our old school and I saw Gabe there waiting for me, he approached me and. . .

" You're trembling. . . " He paused.

" Did you... did you told him? "

"I did my dear friend. . ."

"Did you told him the truth? "

" Not all of it. "

"But why?"

"I didn't have the courage to. . ."

"We all know how much you love him Harlyn why didn't you let him know?! He has the right to! !"

"I don't want him to hurt. . . he has had enough. "

"I can't believe you! " Gabe shouted at me. I deserved it though. I found myself dumbfounded. No words came out. .

" I trust you Har.. but you can't expect me to keep this."

" Gabe you have to! Please!" I dropped to my knees and pleaded. "It will only for a short time please endure a little more. "

"I'm sorry. "

" I beg you! " He walked away from me. I found myself alone again. I keep thinking about what he said. He won't. I know him, he won't say anything not until. . . oh, no. I don't know what else to do. God please help me. What should I do now?

It took me 10 years to accept that one day... that one day. . . Now, I am not sure if I can.

I continued to walk as the rain drops into my hands and feet and I just knew, that I am not alone. God heard me.

Even though I have God's answer it doesn't mean that I can do much longer. He already told me that, I haven't forgotten that.

Then, I cried silently while the rain continues to pour lightly, thinking what I already known has come.

"Thank you so much, Father. " I looked up to the sky and gave Father a smile, signaling that I am ready.

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I know I'm not as good as the writers here, but I think I am giving you my best. I will try and do better. :)

thank you!

Love Rae ♥

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