"Why?" I decided to question. He looked at me sternly.

"Because." He paused. "She's too good for me." He managed to admit. I nodded my head loosely, feeling a bit bad for the guy, yet understanding exactly how he feels.

"C'mon, Gerard. Be a man and ask Melissa out. I know she'll say yes." I encouraged him, only getting an irritated look in return.

"She won't say yes. She'll laugh in my face and probably never speak to me again." He imagined the worst case scenario. I sighed loudly.

"Look, she's a nice girl. She wouldn't do that to you. If you're so convinced that she will say no, I'll just ask her..." He cut me off as soon as I said the last part of my sentence.

"You will not talk to her about this." He practically growled at me, his hand wrapped around my upper arm tightly.

"And who are you to tell me to be a man and ask a girl out when you're too chicken to ask Elle out?" He let go of my arm. I would have got him back for grabbing my arm like that, but the subject of Elle made me simmer down.

"Why would I ask Elle out?" I stuttered, my gaze went from Elle to Gerard.

"It's pretty evident that you like her." He told me in a flat tone.

"Okay fine, I like Elle and I'm too afraid to ask her out." My confession made Gerard huff.

"She would never want to go out with a guy like me." I added in. I never knew me and Gerard would find common ground in the love life department.

"Melissa and Elle are just way too out of our league." Gerard spoke the truth. Who the fuck would want guys like us for boyfriends? A deep, heavy sadness overcame me. A feeling I knew all too well; depression.

Elle and Melissa came walking towards us, each with a ton of makeup in their hands. Their giggles made me and Gerard crack smiles.

"Who wants a makeover?" Melissa gave us an exaggerated smile. Elle gave us the same look. I can't believe we're cutting class to do this.

They didn't give us any time to answer. Elle shifted the makeup she held to one side, grabbing my arm and dragging me to a chair. I sat down, looking up at her with a puzzled and slightly worried look. I swallowed hard.

"Don't worry; I'm not going to fuck up your face." She chuckled and began going through the stage makeup she had scattered around her. I laughed with her, secretly being excited.

I looked over at Gerard. He and Melissa were laughing with one another. He too sat in a chair in front of a vanity set, preparing to be painted up by Mel. They seemed so ecstatic to be in one another’s company.

"So Frank, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Elle started conversation. I didn't want her asking me about family. It's a long story and I sure as hell can't tell her the truth about it.

"No, I'm an only child." I spit out quickly. She nodded her head, beginning to cover my face in green makeup. It felt smooth and damp as she applied it.

"I have a little brother." Elle half smiled. "Sometimes I wish he never existed, but then I think twice. I'm happy he's around."

I grinned. I have always wanted siblings.

"What is it like having a brother?" I couldn't help but ask.

"My little brother can definitely be annoying at times, but I don't know what I'd do without him. We're family, y'know? I don't have to like him, but I have to love him." She said honestly. Her brown hair hung in her face as she kept on applying makeup to mine.

"I believe in unconditional love." She added in, making my insides twist with pleasure. Her words had me thinking that maybe I do have a chance with her.

"Me too." I spoke quietly, even though I never knew I believed in love at all. Her lips curled into a smile.

I couldn't help but stare into Elle's eyes as she smeared the stage makeup on my face. Up close her eyes are a brilliant shade of copper. I found her defined facial structure... Beautiful. I found Elle absolutely beautiful.



I was having a fun time while Melissa put the cheap stage makeup on my pale face. Her laugh made me want to laugh, her smile made me want to smile, although depression manages to slither its way into my life all of the time. Like an ache I can never get rid of. No matter how much fun I may have, reality eventually settles back in. The fact of the matter is always there.

Mel's hazel eyes looked passionate and dim as she was immersed in the makeup job, yet completely present. Her face was inches from mine, her body hovered over my body slightly.  I could sense her body heat. My heart started to race inside my chest.

"I'm glad we're talking again." Melissa spoke up after a while as I sat down in a relaxed state. She paused for a brief moment. "I missed you."

That made my heart thump in my chest at an even quicker rate. I can never picture anyone missing me. I'm not memorable, special or extraordinary in any way. To know that someone missed me, and that someone was Melissa, sent a pleasurable feeling washing over me.

"I missed you too. I really did." My words were steady and sounded pure. That made her smile.

"Mikey missed having you and Elle around too." I said after a while of silence. She laughed and dabbed more of an unknown product on my eyes.

"Having Mikey around was always a great time." She nodded her head, looking happy. My lips formed into a smile with the thought of old times. Before I could mutter another word, Melissa stood back a ways with a proud expression on her face.

"You're finished?" I raised an eyebrow, standing up out of the uncomfortable chair. Mel nodded her head. I turned around to gaze into the vanity mirror.

"This is awesome." I sounded excited and amazed. She made me look exactly like The Crow, and did an outstanding job. The black eye makeup rimmed my hazel eyes, as the black covered my lips and crept onto my cheeks. I turned my attention back to Melissa, smiling from ear to ear.

"Thanks, Mel." I reached out for a hug, wrapping my arms around her waist, and feeling her hands around my neck. The embrace only lasted a good 3 seconds, but that simple hug made my day.

"You're welcome, Gee." She looked serene when she spoke, almost like she enjoyed my company. The moment ended with the sound of Frank’s voice echoing throughout the backstage.

"Look at my face!"

Me and Mel look in his direction. He hastily walked to us with a bright grin, as did Elle as she trailed behind him.

Frank's face was painted up like Frankenstein. So obviously, his face was concealed with green makeup as other details played his face as well.

"You look rad!" Melissa complimented. "You did such a good job, E."

"Thanks, Mel." Elle put her hands on her hips, and then noticed me. "Woah! I’m in the presence of The Crow." I chuckled at her statement.

"It looks badass." She said sweetly to me and Mel.

"Yeah, I love the new look, Gee." Frank looked up at me with a hyper grin. I shook my head at him, but couldn't help but grin back. For once I didn't hate the way I looked. I actually looked cool. And I know Frank feels the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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