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...you're wanted like a wanted man, with your smart mouth and your killer hand...


Four days a week Caleb worked the counter at Harrelson's Hardware in town. He and his brothers had to do their fare share to help their ma with the upkeep of the house. It was a shit job, selling nails and wood-glue, but it was work. By the time he gave his ma a little something for the pot he had plenty left over for the rest of the week. Mostly his wages went on cigarettes and beer. There wasn't much else to spend them on in Mt. Juliet.

It was around six when he arrived home that evening. He pulled the old pickup truck to a stop, in time to see Eden cut through the fields, her feet bare. He wondered if she owned any shoes. She sure didn't seem to own any bras. Just like that his body grew tight. He'd thought about her, and nothing else, in the two days since they'd been swimming at the lake. Even in his dreams she'd risen and bubbled to the surface. He'd wake in the middle of the night, body sweating and on fire from wanting her. He told himself this wasn't normal. Sure, just like any other eighteen year-old guy he had fantasies and wet dreams, but this was more than that. This was more than waking up with a boner. It wasn't just the body that he all but ached to touch, or imagining those long legs fastened around his waist as he laid her down in the long grass; it was all of it. Her hair, her eyes, her smile. Her attitude. Her voice. Her body. Even her fingers. It was like he was infected with a goddamn fever.

Which was why he'd made his mind up. Next time he saw her he was going to kiss her. Get it out of the way. And this time she wouldn't be pushing him in no water. He was going to kiss her until she couldn't breathe. With any luck his sanity would return, and maybe he'd be able to sleep at night.

After showering and eating supper, he left the house and made his way to Dogger Creek. He knew that was where she'd been going. Sure enough there she was, taking pictures out over the water. The sun was about to set, but that made no difference to the heat. It was a balmy, sultry evening and Caleb felt the fine tension build in his body. She wore another of those long, cotton dresses. Most girls in town wore jeans or short skirts that left little to the imagination. Those were the girls his ma warned him and his brothers about, but those were the girls that gave it up on a first date. Eden was sexy, she might be the sexiest girl he'd ever met, but there was something mysteriously feminine about her, too. He liked that about her. He was wildly curious about her, in the way that a man was about a woman; beyond that though there was something else. He wanted to know who she was. He wanted to crawl inside her head as much as he wanted to crawl into bed with her.

Right now though, all he could think about doing was kissing her.


COPYRIGHT. © "Summer On Fire" Demi Mack. 2008. 

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