Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

King .

I really told her I loved her. Fuck. I ain't mean to. That shit just slipped out, I think. She probably trippin' over that, but then again, she probably don't give a fuck knowing her. I need to talk to somebody about this shit. I guess I'ma head over to moms house since she has the answers for everything.


I knocked on her door three times, and nobody came to the door and answered it. What the fuck is she doing? I see her car outside, but she ain't coming to open the door for a nigga.

I twisted the doorknob and walked in because it was unlocked. I done told her ass about leaving that door unlocked like that, anything can happen and sometimes moms just don't be thinking.

I walked in and heard two familiar laughs. I walked in the kitchen and saw mama and her li girl toy messing around in the kitchen. Did I mention mama is bisexual?

"Hey baby," she said walking over and hugging me. I smiled, showing my pearly whites.

"Hey ma, hey Tonya," I said nodding at Tonya. "Why you had that door unlocked? What I told you about that woman?" I said, turning back to my mom.

"I do whatever the fuck I want. This my house boy," she said rolling her eyes. She hated when I lectured her about shit. I just say it's payback for all those years of long ass conversations. She knows I'm right about that whole door situation though.

"Yeah, whatever. I need to talk to you, though," I said. We sat down at the kitchen table and she nodded her head for me to talk.

"Should I go first?" Tonya asked. I shook my head no and she sat down next to mama.

I started explaining everything that happened with me and 'Kiya. From the shooting at the court, to her and her friends coming back to my house, to me and her going up to my room and fuckin'.

"So you hit it and told her you loved her? Hmm. I don't think you'd just say I love you out the blue and not mean it in some kind of way. Maybe you feel some type of love for this girl and you just don't know that yet," Tonya said.

Mama nodded her head. "Right, but then again, it could've just been his dick telling that girl pussy he love her. Like her sex game could've been so official that she got my baby boy thinking he's in love."

"Right, right. But shit he actually might really love that girl, but don't wanna admit it. That's how it was with me and you when we first started talking. I was feeling you and I knew I loved you.. I could tell, but I ain't wanna admit it so, I made it seem like I ain't care and I actually started believing I didn't love you until the day you told me you felt the same. Then everything changed," Tonya said.

"I can't love her though. I barely know her," I said shrugging. It don't make no damn sense to love somebody that you haven't really known that long. I really do think it was the sex talking for me 'cause I can't be in love. Like the fuck? A nigga won't love until hell has frozen over.

"Well, we can't really tell you how you feel because only you can know who you love and who you don't. I know I want to meet her tonight, though. I need to see why she got you trippin' so much," Moms said.

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