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First of all I drew the pic BUT... İt is a old one the elements are still same but the looks have cganged... İt is the cover of my other book I am going to start update after fhinishing this one... Soo enjoy!!!

*2 years later*

We start training 2 years before but we still can't use much of the powers. Atleast we can finaly able to controll the transformation at the animals.
Now we are at the level to fight eachother, best part is it's boys versus girls and we are kicking their butts! Just like the old days, guess old habits won't ever changes! "Attack of the fire dragon!!" Brick yelled sending a dragon towards us. At least he is sending flames that wont burn us.
"İce shilde!!" Blossom yelled and an ice wall size shilde was infront of us! "Waves of Atlantis!!" (My cousin is lookin atlantis' pics right now) Then brick's dragon become smoke while Boomer and Brick was wet and lucky Butch dry himself with air. I put my hand on the floor and wispered "Hugging vines..." soon the boys were caugth by my vines but unfortinatly Brick burned them..."Electric exploison!!" Boomer yelled and it hit Blossom. She was down. You wanna play like this fine! I look at Bubbels and we nodded. "Waateeeerrrrr baalllsssss!!!!" she yelled and I put rocks inside of the water bals. We send the surprise attack at the boys Boomer duck it, Butch stopped the rock with the air but Brick got hit. That gotta hurt. "Water catcher/electric strike!!" the blues yelled and hit each other at the same time. İt was hilarious!! "Green tornado!!" Butch yelled oh shit! I got hit and crash to the wall!! 'You are dead meat!!!' I make my voice eco in his head. I meke a fist with my hands and lots of rocks flew around me "Rock shower!!" I yelled and the rocks flew towards Butch. I wasn't going to hit him with that... "Air twister!!" He yelled and send the rocks where the others were sitting. They got hit. While he was doing that a rock that was bigger than our own size flew and stay at midair infront of me I kicked it to Butch "The crasher rock!!!" I yelled when he looked back it hit him on the face! I was shocked that he just had a nosebleed while lieying at the ground! The girls come and hugged me while yelling 'we won!' Then me and Butch went to the kitchen to get something to clean his face. When we were done we went to where the others were. After 10 mins of talking. "Powerpuff girls Z! Rowdyruff boys Z! We need you!" we all heard. Bloss opened the contact. "HİM is destroying the city. But we don't think it's just HİM! Be carefull!!" and they hang up. We gave eachother confused looks and transform! We flew to downtown to see HİM and another devil. İt looked like HİM but older... When he saw us he smiled. "Powerpuff girls Z and Rowdyruff boys Z!! What a surprise!!" They said. When the other devil turn around to face us it was really HİM but older!! "My dauther has something for youuu!!!" The other HİM said, a pink smoke surronder us and we passed out. When we woke up there was 5 kids around us and two at the door. "Who are you!?!?" We all yelled. The two kids at the door looked at us and sigh.. The five kids around us get up and we can saw their highs but not their faces. Soon the other two came up next to them. "We are from the future..." a girl with hot pink hoodie, red tights, black shoose and a black cap that she was carring at her waist(that were we put belts.) said. She was the shortest. "We are your kids... At the future." A boy with crayon pink hoodie, black shorts under his knee, red shoose. Their height was like the boy in pink was a littel taller than the two in black hoodles, one had dark green tights and the other had a green camouflage shorts and they had yellowish greenish shoose, then the two with ocian blue and sky blue hoodies, one had a skirt that has a yellow strike on it ant the other has a skirt with light blue bubbles on it and they had blue flats. Then another one with black hoodie and green shorts that one of the trotter is a littel lonver than the other and the shortest was the girls with a hotpink hoodie.
"So can you show us yourselfs?" Bubbles ask as we all nodded. They all looked at eachother than at the boy with pinkish reddish hoodie. He nodded and he was the first to show hisself. He had orange hair and rose pink eyes, he was wearing a red bandana think ob his head "My names is Barrick and I'm the oldest of all" the black hoodie ones pout and wispered "Just with 3 mounths..." and Barrick glare at them. The the one with hotpink hoodie showed herself. She had darkorange hair rose red eyes, she put her black cap on her head backwards like Brick "My name is Cherry!" she smiled. The the two with black hoodies show themselfs. The girl had short messy hair and her bangs were closing her left eye she had forest green eyes and her skin was nearly white like her brother. He had his bangs on his right eye and he had his hair in a ponytail like Butch used to have but it was kinda short so it spiked up at some places "I'm Bellotta and he is Benn." "And yeah we are twins." they grinned at us and put their hands on their littel siblings shoulders I guess. She showed her face to us she had short hair that the ends was spiked out like my old hairstyl wit a littel pieve of her hair tied up in a small side ponytail think and her bangs was ending above her eyes "I'm Brianna" she smirked and look at Cherry and kept her smirk "Oh and Cherry forgot to tell she is the younger one..." she laughed like anyone was glaring at her. But Barrick was the one who was glarin tought Cherry laughed wit Brianna. "Anyway..." said the one with ocian blye hoodie. The blue ones showed themselfs. The one that talked has her yellow hair to her midback and the ands were like boomers hair it was spiked out while she had her bangs like Bubbles and with ocian blue eyes "I'm Bertha!"
The one with sky blue eyes and had her yellow hair in two low pigtails and her bangs like Boomers' smiled and waved at us "I'm Birdy!" she smiled at us again while looking at Barrick "We should go before HİM comes." Bellotta looked at us with a serious look. "The gas HER gave to you was an anti power gas but it wasn't permanent, but you still hadn't got all your powers. So we are going to somewhere we will wait safely till you get your powers." We all nodded. "How are we going to escape from here than." Blossom asked. "Well we have our superpowers without need to transform."
Bertha said happly. "Shortly I'm going to crack a hole in the wall." Bellotta said and her hands glowed forest green why she walk to the wall then there was two big robotic hands (Like at the original PPG movie when mojo had an army of monkeys and they start doing their wepons. And a gorilla had macanic gloves. Yeah she has gloves like that but better and it's green and black) she closed her eyes and they become bigger.
She punched the wall and there was a holl on the wall that even a truck can get trough it.


So me and BC has 3 kids. So f*cking cool! I hold BC's hand while running after the kids. We can hear HİM yelling 'bout us running away. Then the kids stopped and we crash into them. We were near a mountain. "They will find us here!!" Boomer wisper yelled at the kids. Bertha and Birdy giggeld while the others snicker. "They won't..." then a smirk grew on Bellotta's face as Barrick nodded at her. "Hey Bri? Wanna help me moving this..." Bellotta asked and Brianna grinned while nodding. They went to a big rock and their hands glowed while they pointed the rock. Soon the rock started glowing forest green and neon green. And flew up so we can get in. There was stairs. But they were really old. "Watch your steps..." Barrick said but then Birdy stopped us. "I gotta clean here..." she said and smile. Soon she was fhinished cleaning. There was bags, and some food, drinks and blankets with pillows at the corner. "I didn't think this place would be still old even at this time..." Benn said and went to the snacks. "Eeeehhh guys? These snacs... We can't eat them..." he said while throwing the snacs. Our stomachs growled at the time. Cherry and Brianna run to got their bags. They each pulled 5 pocket of cips and 13 cans of ice tea. "I'm glad we got you two with us!" Benn said while eating. We heard a boy voice... "So you're finally here..?" we went infront of everyone. "Calm down jeez..." a girl voice said. "Bea!!! Blayn!!!" Brianna yelled and ran to a girl and a boy with one dark and one light purple eyes, the boy had his hair in a low ponytail and the girl had a black headband while her hair was in a low ponytail as well... Then Benn and Bellotta run to them. "You idiots!! You got us worriesick!!" Benn and Bellotta yelled at Bea and Blayn while smacking the back of their heads. "Oh gosh, sorry alright!" Bea defended herself while rubbing the back of her head. "We had to find our parents, explain them everythink and etc." Blayn defended himself doing the same think as Bea. "Good to see you guys/girls again!" a male and female voice came from the shadows while two figures get out of the shadows smiling at us. No way!! "Oh my gosh -!!"

And here it is chap 9!!! Yasss finallyyy I end this chap. I drew so much pics and I'm going to put everyones updated versions at the next chap. I'm drawing them right now. Oohh and guess who are coming!?!?! And I don't think I said Benn had forest green eyes aswell but Bellotta's eyes are a bit darker... Hope ya enjoyed and see ya at the next chap!!!(watching too many youtuber videos... Yep deffinalty!)

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