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So I wanna thanx to GreenDragonMoon876 for giving me the great idea!!! And 'bout the REALLY late update...GOMENASAİİ!!!!! D'=
But I'll try my best to make this chappie extra long!


İt's been a year and half since we become good and fight against the vilians with our dreams girls.
I smile to myself and hear a scream downstairs. We are living in the lab with the girls. I rush towerds the kitchen and saw Blossom on a chair, standing up, Bubbles hugging a mouse. I looked around to find BC but than someone jump on top of me. "Morning..." I said as I stare at her. "C'mon! We gotta get ready!" 'What? Where..?'
"To the beach DUH!!! İt's summer remember?" I smirk at the tought of seeing BC in a swimsuit... She stop in the midel of the hall and look down. "You are a pervet!" she yelled turning to me face to face nearly our lips were gonna touch. I kissed her, of course "Nah, I'm your pervet." She rolled her beautiful eyes. I pick her up and went to my room at upstairs and lock the door after we get in. I throw her on the bed and kiss her lips. They tasted really good... I start making out with her neck. I lost my self of control and start to unbutton her shirt. She didn't stop me. "Wanna go naughty..?" I asked while sitting up. She sit up right after me and smirked "I don't thing you will accept 'no' as an answer". Now thats my girl. We got up she unbuttond her short while I take off my clothes 'Wow you're slow babe' she has just take off her shorts. She blushed and I lay(?) her down on the bed and get on top of her and we start to kiss again as her hands was on my neck and my hands making they way to her underwear....
"Are you fucking serious?!?!?!?!?" I yelled and she laugh. I looked at her getting up from the bed and go to get her short. I get up and pinned her to the wall and push my body againts her body. She looked up blushing a slight pink on her cheeks. "B-utch we gotto get ready and go... d-duty calls..." 'You look hotter than ever when you blush you know babe?' she looked down and I make her look at me "Swear that we'll do that after the job, ok?" She nodden and muttered 'I swear..' under her breath. We wear our clothes back on and put our belts on so we trunsformed to our hero selfs; Powered Buttercup and Strong Butch and meet the others.
"Where were you two?!" "Oh jeez calm down guys!" I answered (Yeah sure that was an answer Butch) while BC was talking with the others. "So HİM, Mojo and Princess become a team to destroy us?" BC asked angrly. "Let's just go guys..." Boom and Bubbs said and we all start flying while sayin 'Yeah...' We got to the forest and get in the cave where the signals was coming from. 'They are here...' a voice said in my head. 'BC?' is she the one who is talking in my head? 'Yes you idiot it's me! Anyways they are here and I heard princess tought 'they are here...' what now guys..?' "You know? İt is really mean to read peoples minds without asking..." Him said while coming out of the shadows with princess and Mojo behind him. "Now now boys!Be with me and go back to being villians or we'll kill the girls." Princess said with her annoying voice while spitting on our faces. "First of all, stop spitting on our faces!" Brick yelled while wiping the spit on his face. "Second of all we won't be with you and we are not going back to being evil!" I yelled while hugging BC from her waist. "Third of all, how are you going to kill the girls when you are pointing the guns at us?" Boomer asked. "Well we are going to kill them menthaly not phisicly." Him started. "İf you'll die they will die inside of themselfes..." Mojo said and pulling the trigger. I was on the ground but feeling no pain. I looked up and see Buttercup on top of me her stomach was bleeding and her blood was on my hands. "BC!!!Do NOT close your eyes babe! Allright? Don't leave me!" she put her hand on my cheek and smile. "I'm not thinking 'bout leaving you..." I hug her and put my hands where was bleedin while Mojo, HİM and Princess came next to us (All six of them) "Get away..." us boys wispered. They hurt our girls! They hurt MY girl!!! Mojo came closer and near us while HİM went to the reds and princess went to the blues. Mojo get his hand closer to BC's face "Owww poor girl... She was pretty tought." he said smirking. "Don't you dare fucking touch her, you fucking piece of shit!! Go to hell!!!" I yelled and push my hand towards Mojo and he flew away. Like he had been pushed by air. I saw HİM got flying with fires all over him while Brick yelled "Burn in the hell!!!" and then I saw princess fall to the ground with electric all over her body and Boomer yelled "Don't do it again!!!" I looked at BC and gosh she was bleeding so badly. "B-BC..? C'mon it's not fu-ny." she slowly opened her eyes and looked at my shoulder and chest. "Y-you're hurt Butch." she said and looked at my shoulder closely. 'Are you serious?! You are the one hurt!!!' She just rolled her eyes. I push my hand to her wound to stop the bleeding and it healed a littel when my hands glowed green. She did the same to my shoulder and our wounds stop bleeding for now. "Let's go to the lab. There are medicanes." Brick said and we nodded. When we got there my head start to hurt so much. We lay the girls to the beds and call the prof. and Ken. After that we black out.

<3 BUTCHERCUP <3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin