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So here's the deal I got tagged. Yaaayyy!!!! The problem is I don't know that much bout me so I can kinda, mostl say stupid things 'bout myself.
1. I love TMNT, PPG, PPGZ and most of the cartoons.
2. I'm scared of spiders and clowns(since yesterday thnx to my amo-nii...he is my cousin.)
3. I hate girly things my friends tell me I'm so much like BC
4. I have allways tought of myself as BC's and Butch's dauther.
5. I had allways want to have a big brother but I have a littel sister
6. I'm shy around my family but not my friends... Not normal' right.
7. I hate school, I kinda want to go 'cause P.E.
8. I'm a really big pervy even tought I'm a girl.
9. I look like Butchercup's kid tought. (I have short dark brown hair nearly black and green eyes kinda like grass green)
10. I have a habbit that I allways put my self in my fav cartoons.
11. I love singing and sports.
12. I'm not the person you will say she is cute, I nearly killed a boy in our school 2 or 3 months ago. I just went crazy
13. My cousins scared of me but there os 1 or 2 to stand againts me and they are my fav cousins.
14. I'm not good at math or anything that numbers are in.
15. I have crazy ideas like jumping in a bunch of leafs.
16. I love watching pewdiepie
17. I don't know what to write more.
18.I love playing call of duty, Army of two and zombie games.
19. I don't have much girl friends.

Yeahh I don't know the rules and I just know this much bout myself. So who I tag... Hmmmm.... I tag who ever reads this!! İf you want to tought... I don't know!! Sorry for being soo stupid. Oh and I kinda look like the anime girl on the picture!!

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