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And now with the bluse!!!


I close my eyes prepare to get hit by Dark Blossom. But never hit, I open one of my eyes to see..? Anyone infront of me? Them I look my right to see BC lying there and then I look down to see Da- no not dark Blossom, I saw Blossom instead! I shout their names hoping they will answer but they didn'. I started crying than a loud crash came from my left. I turn to my left and saw the RRBZ! Boomer dash next to me, Butch shout BC's name and dash towerds her flying beside us he was so fast that we spin around by the wind he leaves behind... Brick flies next to Blossom, but than I heard something, a sob and crying, I turn to see Butch crying over BC. And than Brick order us to go to the lab. I saw tears in his eyes that he was trying to hold back. I told him that crying wont make you weak it makes you strong than we fly to the lab but than I felt tired so Boomie carry me to the lab while I was sleeping.


We go to the lab and I set Bubbly to her own bed and wow she has a beautiful fa- ummm I mean room yeah room she has a beautiful room hehehe ^_^"
*Time skip three days later before breakfast*
I go to wake my sleeping beauty... "Bubles, wakey wakey breakfast is ready and the others are woke up too..!" I tell her smiling. She wake up as fast as posible and suddenly there was just bubbleses on her bed I turn my head to her closet and she was there with a few bubbles around her some of them were fading she than get her closet and turn towards me "What just happen?" she was shoked but still smiling. "Bubbly you just transport!!" her eyes go wide with a big smile "This is so cool wait I wanna try to teleport to the kitchen c'mon" she said with happines in her eyes I hold her hand and she close her eyes so did I. Then I hear Bubble poping sounds so I open my eyes to see we were in the kitchan and everyone was looking at us with wide us just not BC. "So I see you can teleport and Bloss can be invisable..." she looked up smiling. Butch blush a little. "I do not remember I told you I can!?!?" Blossom ask with a asking voice. BC open her mouth to say something but Butch beat her with it "She can read minds!" he smiled and kissed BC. Now both of them was blushing. After we eat our breakfast we go to the prof's room...

I hope you enjoyed. So I wanna ask you guys something should I make boys powers and should I make more new powers for the girls. Also I'm planning that I will give the girls a new costume afterall the boys have a new costume too!!
VOTE PLEASE!!!! SEE YA~ <3!!!!

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