Love OR Hate?

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I do not know what to say so lets begin!!! ;3

Bran/Butch's POV:

After things happen before school we were friends but I wanna be more than that! At lunch tree boy came next to us. "Hey Kao-chan!" a boy with brown hair sat next to my girl and put his arms around her! "Hey Miya-chan!" a boy with blonde boy sit nexr to Miyako I see Boomer get red with anger and a brown haired and orenge eyed boy sit next to Momoko and kiss her cheek I can see Brick was holding her fist tight. "What do you want,Mich?!!" Kaoru shout a little "The think that you wan, be my gf?" what!! Will I get fired if I kill him!?!? "Haha of course, NOT!!!" yes!! She took his arm and twist it as much as posible and let go when he was crying and she turn the other boys and glare they just run away for their lifes.

"Who were they?!?" "No importent just jerks" she smiled.

Skip After School;

Boomer: Lets go to the game store!
Brick: Sure Boom!
Butch: Hey what are they doing here! *points Kaoru Momoko and Miyako*
They follow the girls till they saw this...
Momoko: Hyper Blossom!
Miyako: Rooling Bubbles!!
Kaoru: Powered Buttercup!!!
Boomer: M-miyako?!?!
Bubbles: Blaze?!
Blossom: Break!?!?
Buttercup: Bran?!?!
Butch: So now we do know your secret...
Brick: We better tell you the truth too but swear to not run or beat us!
Boomer: Promise?
Girls: Promise...
Boys: We are the RRBZ but we change after Mojo dead and HİM explode by you so please help us!
Bubbles: We do bealive you...
Buttercup: But we should get going the gang green gang is stealing the candy store!
Blossom: Talk to you guys tomorrow after school!
Girls flew away and boys just stand there shock.

Sorry too short but I wrote it the way going home sooo but  I'll wrote the next chapter as long as I can. Cya~

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