Chapter eighteen

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I stared in horror as I turned around Grey was being attacked by five wolves, I ran forwards, I pounced on the pile I tore one wolf off tearing out a mouthful of his fur.
I flung another off him making him hit a tree. I tackled two then throwing them off I growled, the other was a small wolf pup he backed off.
I leaned over Grey Phil's eyes shone painfully back at me.
I stepped over him I felt a huge whelm of possession hit me and I hated the thought of a wolf hurting what is so rightly mine.
I snarled looking around I met Raka's gleeful gaze I looked him dead in the eye
'This wolf is mine, I swear,' I looked up to the sky the moon was breaking over the trees 'by the Moon Goddess, touch Phil and. I'll. Kill. You,'
Raka had a huge smirk on his face
'A weakness as good as any,' he nodded.
I saw three wolves approaching I crouched I could feel Phil under me.
I dug my claws into the ground
'An attack will happen,' I heard a whisper through the trees.
I whipped my head around.
I had to protect Grey and Phil, he is my Luna I can't live without him.
I braced myself I saw tbe stars twinkle in the dark black ink sky.
I growled
'Watch out!,' I heard Swish yell
I turned to see Raka flying towards me I felt his teeth sink deep into my neck I flung backwards hitting the ground hard.
I felt the blood stream down my body 'Look what happens when I don't get my way to begin with?,' Raka laughed
I could barely raise my head I looked up to see Raka's yellow evil eyes I rose my head a few inches more,
Raka laughed
I saw the Blue eyes of Phil looking at me, my head dropped painfully to the ground.
I saw the couners of my vision start to blur
'I'm dying,' I whispered to Kiara 'I'm dying,' I repeated
'No! We can't be! I'm not married to Phil yet! I'm not truly Alpha yet!,' Kiara whined weakly
'Oh well,' I wheezed
I saw Grey stand up he looked perfect in wolf form the only man I've ever loved so much that I would die for, no question asked of course I would die for Dad or Lyric or Lucian but Grey was different.
Even in wolf form he was the most sexy man I've ever seen.
I could see the blood covering his chest, and the torn ear, coated in blood, his eyes though, were crystal clear, nothing clouded them, except pain.
'He's strong he can rule without us,' I coughed my toes were going numb
I saw Grey raise his head, the most pitiful howl I've ever heard rang out.
The moon then shone brighter so bright I squinted
'Hello my angel, I'm here to help,' I heard a female wolfs voice reply in my head it almost sounded like mom.
I felt strength start to creep back into me, my vision cleared up.
'No!,' I heard my mom scream 'my baby!,'
I saw a huge puddle of my blood around me but yet I'm not dead
'Or am I?,' I asked
'No princess, there is a legend and it's about to be born,' this female wolf sounded beautiful
I felt my muscles flex
'Now, I killed your Alpha give us what we want or your Luna will be next,' Raka replied
I saw that silver chains were wrapped around a phased Grey the rage filled my body
"Let. Grey. Go," I gasped speaking Human while still in wolf.
Everyone turned their heads to me.
I still looked dead. I felt my legs twitch I could stand I looked up to the bright white moon, I felt my fur glow bright with the moons blaze.
I rose to my unsteady paws I looked to see my whole left arm was caked in my blood but it still shone bright and white "Drop. Him," I snarled but my voice was intertwined with this mystery wolf the fear in the two wolves eyes holding Grey was worth the pain they caused to me.
They dropped the chains Grey scrambled to Johnny's side who growled protectively over him.
I stepped forwards my paws red with blood
'How are you not dead? I killed you,' Raka asked
"I'm not who you think I am," my voice was almost gone now only this mystery wolf spoke
'you are only a lame excuse for an Alpha!,' Raka growled
"That's what you think Raka," I stepped forwards again Rakas eyes filled with fear he knew this voice.
I saw my moms eyes were filled with knowledge but also curiosity.
"You fear me," this wolf taunted
'No never! I'm not afraid,' Raka snarled "You know who I am, you know I'm the thing you fear," my or the wolfs voice was steady
'I fear nothing!,' Raka barked
"You feared Alpha Night, you feared Luna Star!," the wolf pointed out
I looked at my mom, fear and confusion entered her eyes.
'You are not them,' Raka snarled
"No, no I'm not but I'm more," she said with a smirk
'You are not more,' I saw Raka teeth bared
"You know it. That's why you want me dead, I gain my power you lose yours," she taunted
'Not true,' Raka laughed
"I'm not just an Alpha," I growled "I'm much more too fear! More to worry about!," this wolf was starting to hurt me "the truth is no longer hidden." I replied
'You can never kill me,' Raka growled
"I am the only thing that can kill you, I am the power of the packs," I growled I wheezed "I am the Moon Goddess warrior descending of the Moon Goddess now run you worthless rogues," I snarled everyone even Raka eyes were filled with fear.
All the rogues ran away I collapsed with pain.
I was wheezing bad, I never felt this much pain before.
I felt a few different sets of hands on me I felt the mated sparks of Grey shoot up my left arm as my neck strength thrived.
I looked up I saw not one, but three starry wolves one pure white, one jet black, and one who was beautiful she looked like the moon
'You are my born warrior, I will explain more, but for now here you go,' strength filled my body
I rose to my feet I phased with no pain I locked eyes with Grey he stared unbelieving at me
"I'm mated to the Moon Goddess warrior? How am I so lucky?," I looked around to see my mom staring also unbelieving
"Night, Star? Mom dad," I heard my mom whisper I stared at her
"I know them?," I gasped
'We are you,' a male voice whispered lovingly.

I, The AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ