Chapter five

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They approached
'You are in lead Eclipse,' dad replied
I took a deep breath then sprinted.
I ran to the stream jumped over it I ran with the sound of four different sets of paws behind me.
I saw the tree root I duck under
'You guys jump! I duck!,' I ordered
I slipped under it and kept running. The next one I hated. Jumping over the tree branch.
I sprang over it, feeling my strength.
I landed hard on my paws and kept running. I swerved around a bush ran though a huge hollow tree trunk.
I saw the final stretch, I launched myself into the deeper part of the stream I strongly paddled to the other side I scrambled out and sat waiting for everyone else.
I could feel the water dripping off my Wer fur.
'Great job Eclipse!,' my dad praised 'Thank you,' I panted
'You may shake,'
I shook my fur sending cold droplets everywhere.
I saw everyone run panting themselves dripping wet.
I looked at Grey, he looked tiredI wanted to laugh at him.
After that, we continued to train, hard. After I sauntered off with Grey, he was almost dragging himself upstairs.
I laughed closing tbe door. I then flopped onto my bed
"Thank god for no train days! Friday dad always works us the hardest because we have two days to recover," I replied
"How can you run that everyday?," Grey asked
"Easy, the only hard part is jumping over the tree branch," I replied
"Your scent is nice," I heard Phil smile "I wish I could scent it," I muttered hiding that I couldn't scent, with all the gifts I got from ny mother came with a price, and that was not being able to scent my own wolves.
I sighed cuddling up to Grey.
"I wish I could stay with you here," Grey replied
'Ih god, you know what that means,' Kiara replied
'Kiara shut up wolf,' I blushed. I don't know why, but sex to me is such an awkward thought to think about doing, I guess it will be until it's done.
"What's Kiara bugging you about?," Grey asked lovingly
"She's dirty minded," I sighed
I heard Grey chuckle
'You know exactly what she's thinking Grey,' I heard Phil say in a sexy growl 'Phil, stop it, I will not force myself on her, she'll let us know when she's ready, I waited 19 years I can wait a little while longer,' Grey told Phil
I smiled.
We talked until sundown then Grey went, after a good-night kiss, down to his own bed to sleep.
I waited until the moon was high in the sky then I crept outside. phasing and ran to the best spot to see the moon,
A clearing at the edge of our territory there was a big rock over a river.
I stepped on the rock, I felt the sharp wind drag at my white fur. My black face looked silver in the moonlight, I lifted my head and let out a long high howl.
It echoed around, another wolf howled as well
"Wow! Beautiful!,"
I flung around my paws slipping on the wet rock
I fell into the fast river my head plummeted under. I broke the surface sputtering .
I saw Grey ready to jump in after me
I kicked strongly reaching the bank with two strides
I hauled my sodden body out of tge cold wAter.
The spring nights still got quite cool,
I shivered from the cold water, I shook then phased shivering "G-Grey how'd you know I was h-here," I asked
"Well I didn't. I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk, I scented you and followed you here. Here." Grey pulled off his shirt and pulled it over my head.
Grey looked at me concerned
"Eclipse, are you sure you are not hurt?," Grey asked pulling me up
I could feel every muscle in his chest "I'm fine," I smiled
I felt Grey's emotions, they had smirk in them.
He carried me up too my room Grey laid down with me in bed
I was still shuddering. He cuddled up to me. His warmth started to seep into me, I fell asleep quickly.
I awoke sitting up I flinched away 'Who's touching me?,' I growled to Kiara
'Our mate, duh,' Kiara rolled her eyes at me.
I looked over at Grey, he looked so, gentle, and, peaceful.
I bent down to kiss him when I went to pull away Grey growled, he tried to grab my neck,
I laughed and slipped past him
I grabbed clothes and got changed in the bathroom.
I went outside
'Phil has good control,' I remarked to Kiara
'You are right, most mates would rip your clothes off and do it,' Kiara nodded in agreement
I phased and padded along
'Where are you?.' Grey asked
'Just padding along not quite sure where I am,' I replied flicking some fur out of my eyes.
"Hey! Eclipse!,"
I looked up to see Lucian with Phoenix, Seth's son Jaxson, and two other wolves.
I phased 
"Hey Phoenix!," I called out
I saw a distinctive mark on Phoenix's neck
"Phoenix! Sista'!," I yelled out
She looked confused then her hand flew to her neck she broke into a huge smile
"I heard you are a good fight," Jaxson asked crossing his arms.
"Best around," I replied
"I heard you haven't been beat in awhile,"
I replied without a beat hesitation "Nope, I haven't, what? Think you can beat me now?." 
"Yes I think I can," Jaxson smirked "Okay, let's go," I turned and went to a clearing
"Who should start?," I asked
"Ladies first," Jaxson replied
I smiled at Lucian
I weakly jumped forwards
"Good lord, best there is! don't think so!," Jaxson laughed under his breath Jaxson lunged forwards
I jumped back and jumped onto his shoulders before he could dodge I grabbed his shoulders, flung myself up onto his back, pined my knees to his back and pushed him down. He fell heavily also face first to the ground.
I laughed
"Beat me can ya?." I laughed scrambling to my feet
Jaxson growled got up and walked away
I turned bowed phased and ran off.
I stopped by a stream
'Hey beautiful,' I heard Grey's voice
I looked over to see mGrey's silver pelt, he sat down
'This is crazy!,' Kiara growled before I could do anything Kiara took control and rubbed up against Grey
'Hey Baby,' she murmured
I heard Grey's breath hitched.
Phil took immediate control his blue eyes shone with longing he pushed me to the ground.
I heard great strain in his voice
"Baby doll, men, no matter how strong the woman, is always stronger when it comes to this part of mates, so I'm not taking your first time in the forest, either we go up to your room or please I love you, stop taughting me!,'
I phased I stood up, I don't know why this made me angry
"I'm going to my room!," I growled
"I'm coming!," I heard Grey reply chasing after me
I walked straight up to my room, I sat on my bed Grey closed the door and sat next to me.
I did not think I wanted this but when Grey sat down I climbed into his lap wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

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