Chapter ten

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I walked away from Alpha training today wasn't too hard, it was nice.
I was thinking about Swish, where did he come from? Why are Raka and Lexus after him?
I walked straight to my clearing without realizing it
I smiled until I heard a small sound a small frantic sound.
I whipped around sprinting to the sound
I stared in horror in tbe deepest and swiftest part of the river was a tiny kitten clinging to a branch.
Without hesitation I dived in the fast water, I felt the current drag me under. Dad told me never go here to swim I'd be drowned,
My head broke the surface.
I gasped, the kitten was just out of my reach. I kicked crazily panting with effort I got closer to the kitten.
The kitten lost it's grasp and plunged under.
'No!,' I screamed
I dived under, water filled my nose and mouth
I came up sputtering the kitten appeared.
I lunged forwards grabbing it's scruff it wailed with fright
I kicked strongly to get to the bank
I was able to grab a tree branch with my front paws, kicking with my back legs I hauled myself out of the water.
The kitten dangled limply in my grasp half drowned myself I knew this poor kitten needed help.
I sprinted towards the pack house I was exhausted the trees spun while I ran
'Dr. Maddie!," I mind linked running forwards
'Yes Eclipse?,' she asked
'I'm coming with a half drowned kitten be ready!,' I ran though the clearing hearing gasps of concern and shock
I put the kitten down phased and walked into the doctors office
I put the kitten down on the table "Move please," Dr. Maddie replied starting to examine the kitten
Her apprentice Joanne came in and helped.
"CPR," I heard Dr. Maddie order
I sat waiting I was scared, what if this kitten didn't live? I rescued it too late? I heard violent coughing
"She's breathing," Joanne said excitedly
I slowly approached the table the kitten looked weak and frail but it had the biggest and most beautiful eyes, one Sapphire blue and one Emerald green.
I was looking into a kitten reflection
"It's a girl, she must be scared to death and hungry" Dr. Maddie replied
I stroked one finger down her frail body she let out a weak purr
I scooped her up. I was still drenched dripping wet I walked out my hair was plastered across my face and on my shoulders I didn't respond to anyone when the shouted out what was wrong.
I just walked talking calmly upstairs to my room.
I placed the kitten on my bed she looked at me
"I know your hungry but I need to change," I pulled on some clothes and went though a box of random stuff I had from a kid, I found a toy baby bottle and went downstairs.
I made sure the kitten was tucked safely in my shirt.
I entered the kitchen and went over to our 'you never know' shelf and found some kitten formula
I mixed it and sat ready to start feeding "What's going on?," Grey asked bolting in
"Shhh," I hissed I did not want the kitten to be scared
I took the kitten out, her black kitten fur was now dry and fluffy. I gently cradled her and put the bottle close to her mouth she sniffed it then eagerly took it draining the small bottle
I filled it again she drang half of that too Grey stood over me amazed.
After I tucked her back in my shirt she fell asleep
"Your hair, it's damp and messy," Grey commented "where were you?,"
I smiled and went upstairs to brush my hair. After I took Grey's hand and lead him outside.
I felt the kittens fur against my chest I felt better knowing she was safe
"Where are we going?," Grey asked easily keeping my pace
"Where I found her," I replied
Grey jaw dropped open when I lead him to death strip as we call it anyways "The kitten was in there?," he gasped
"I know, I'm glad I heard her, god, thank you,"
The kitten stuck her head out she meowed happily she began kneading my shirt
I giggled we walked back
"Thought of a name yet?," Grey asked "No, not yet," I smiled hand in hand We entered the clearing of the pack house
"Eclipse! Got a man I see," Tyler snickered
I gasped letting go of Grey's hand "Don't pretend girl," I heard the feminine voice of my favourite guard "Johnny!," I screamed pouncing on him
"Hey gemstone," he smiled
"I didn't think you were coming home till next week!," I hugged him my legs around his waist
"Surprise," he laughed
I heard a squeak
I jumped back
"What's that sweetie?," Johnny asked
I pulled out the kitten
"Aw look at the little baby," I told Johnny the whole story then after I tucked her back in
"Now love, what was that? Grey holding your tiny hand?,"
"Uhh," I replied
"C'mon you can tell me, who knows more about men than me?." Johnny asked
"True," I smiled
"Is he the Luna?."
"Yes," I smiled
"Oh honey! Hey you," Johnny pointed to Grey then crossed his arms "you hurt my girl this guy will go all bitch on you, understand?," Johnny asked
I swear his voice got more high
"Carful Johnny, I am the head warrior wolf," Grey growled
"Oh honey I'm so scared," Johnny laughed doing jazz hands
"Eclipse," Grey growled
"Lighten up please Grey, I haven't seen Johnny in a month, come along if you wish," I smiled walking closer to him kissing him swiftly on the lips then I walked back up to Johnny
"But boys will prob be our main topic," Johnny winked turning around
I laughed following him
We walked out of ear shot
'As long as you talk about this boy go ahead,' Grey replied through the mind link, he was smiling.
"So, tell me, has you scents mingled yet, if you know what I mean?," Johnny asked
I blushed
"Oh baby girl, was he gentle?,"
"Yes he told me if I didn't want to do it be would stop right there, Kiara made me do it, I was glad she did though," I smiled
"Good love! I'm still looking for my big strong warrior," Johnny replied
"Oh your'll find him, and he'll mark you and be so proud to have you as his!," I smiled hugging him
"Oh thank you sweetie, I don't want to leave you though, he better be here," Johnny replied
"The MoonGoddess always mates you with your perfect match and will always end up making you happy," I smiled
"I hope your right, but I'm different what if I'm mated with a girl?," Johnny asked
"The MoonGoddess wouldn't do that I promise," I smiled
we headed back
"I need to speak with your parents, I'll see you tomorrow okay?," Johnny asked
"Of course!," I smiled
"Besties!," we yelled at each other before I went inside to shower.

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