Chapter seven

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Grey pulled me closer if that was possible
I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist,
I kissed Grey's neck,
"Sweetie," I heard the strain in his voice "I don't want you to do this if your not ready, if we don't stop now there will be no stopping if we continue,"
"Maybe I want you too," I whispered nipping Grey's ear.
As soon as I gave permission all the tension in his body was released and I could feel his hardness now, starting to press into me, I went to kiss his neck again,
Grey pushed his lips against mine, his tongue traced my bottom lip, I wanted to play hard to get, he pushed his hips against me I half gasped half moaned Grey plunged his tongue into my mouth.
I pulled away hearing Grey growl with annoyance of lack of contact. Grey pushed me to the bed, pinning my shoulders, he pressed his hips hard against me I moaned
"It's way more fun when I'm doing the teasing," Grey laughed and I almost moaned again his sexy laugh was so arousing.
Phil took over kissing my mark "l
"Mine," he growled
It send shivers down my spine
"your also mine," I murmured
"My Alpha, my strong Alpha," Phil moaned and I think he got harder if that could happen.
I kissed him and moaned Grey's name "Bady doll, it's Phil, and right now, I'm in charge," Phil replied taking my shirt off he trailed down my body
"Your shirt Phil," I replied,
he smiled "What? Want to see my muscles?," he asked
"Yes," I blurted out he laughed kissing me then taking his shirt off my eyes slipped up his chest
"Ooh boy, E, can you see those muscles? Hot dog!," Kiara howled
I smirked
"What?," Phil asked
"Kiara, acting like a fan girl," I replied. "That bra needs to be off," Phil muttered slipping his hand under me and taking my bra off
"Good," Phil nodded,
Phil took my shorts off, I now, was feeling scared.
I took a deep breath
'Do you think this is Grey's first time?,' I asked Kiara
'Yes, he's nervous too, but Phil wants us right now, and nothing will stop him,' Kiara replied
I smiled and let Kiara have control
"Hey baby," she moaned
"Ah E let you come have fun with me? Perfect," Phil mumbled his lips against my neck,
"I'm glad I got to come out, take E's fears away," Kiara guided my hands to Phil's shorts I pulled them down he was now only in boxers, Kiara was going crazy, Grey-er and Phil was so strong and muscular, made me feel weak. "You have so much muscles, makes me feel almost weak," Phil whispered in my ear
'I have muscle?,' I asked myself.
"Are you ready love?," Phil asked sexily "Yes," I moaned not wanting to wait any longer I took of my panties as Phil got set up he pushed in I cringed with pain
"I love you," Phil whispered distracting me from the pain as be pushed in farther soon enough we were going steady.
We broke apart both panting, and a bit sweaty.
"Are you still scared?," Phil asked his voice now mixed with Grey,
"No, not now, I know you love me and are gentle," I smiled pushing Kiara back.
She protested a little.
I stood up and pulled on my clothes Grey did as well,
"Was I okay for your first time?," Grey asked shyly hugging me
"Yes, perfect, was I good for your first time?," I asked
"Everything I've dreamed in my perfect mate," Grey kissed me
"No man should try to touch you now-hmmm are you going to hide your scent while training?," Grey asked
"You, are smart," I smiled seeing the annoyance in Grey's eyes.
I walked out to training on Monday morning a blue sports bra and black shorts
'You better not be in a sports bra,' Grey growled though the mind link
'I might be,' I growled
I went to training I battled with Phoenix then I went out with dad for Alpha training
I only had to answer a few questions before he hugged me and we started. after training I went alone on a walk near the border,
'Grey will be angry that you wore a sports bra, today,' Kiara laughed
!I don't care, he can fight me if he was a problem with that,' I replied sassily
'What type of fighting?,'
'Shut up kiara,' I growled
I heard a voice
"hello! I need help!,"
I ran forwards I saw a young man 16 maybe 17
"hello," I replied after phasing
"I need shelter," he panted
"from who?," I asked
"These wolves, they want me dead,"
I heard growls two wolves jumped out one mud brown and one light red.
I phased and got tackled by two wolves I flung the female red wolf off, I pounced on the mud wolf. I bit his shoulder the two ran off
"Who are you?," I asked
"I'm Swish," Swish replied
I looked him up and down
"Come with me," I replied
I walked
"You seem pretty high rank," Swish replied
"Sort of," I smiled.
By the time we entered the yard of the pack house I thought Swish and I were okay friends,
"Who's this?," I heard two male voices my dad's and Grey's.
"Swish, he was getting chased by two wolves trying to kill him, I beat them and they ran off, what was I to do Alpha? Leave him alone?," I asked
"No, good job Eclipse," dad replied "Grey, get two guards, we can't trust you yet boy, what's your name?,"
"I'm Swish, Alpha," Swish replied
"Okay Swish, come with me," dad walked towards Grey and the guards,
I turned and I started to walk away "Eclipse," Grey growled
I rolled my eyes
"Yes?," I asked turning around
"Do you know how many un-mated males are around here! I don't want any checking you out," Grey replied trying to grab my hand
"I'm soon to be Alpha I can wear what I want," I replied calmly
I went to walk again
"Where are you going?," Grey asked "Somewhere," I muttered
"I'm coming too."
We walked in silence, walking always calm me down, I could be pissed out of my mind and go for a run for five minutes and I'll be perfectly fine after.
I entered my secret clearing I smiled "Like it?," I asked
"Yes," Gray replied smiling
"It's so calm," I replied
"Hey," Grey muttered
"Yes?," I asked
"I trust you, wear what ever you like, as long as you come back to bed with me," Grey sighed
I turned around smiling
"Your saying that now, trust me, your'll be yelling at me soon to cover up, when one wolf looks at me wrong," I kissed Grey I felt calm and collected here, Grey kissed me back harder, putting his hands on my back I pulled away
"Ah ah, my big man," I smiled
"Just remember I'm stronger than you in that aspect," Grey smirked
"Yeah yeah, but guess who's more strong willed?," I smiled with a bit of a mutter "hey that wolf Swish have we met him before?," I asked
"I don't know," Grey replied pulling me into his lap
"Hmmm," I thought.

I, The AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon