Chapter eight

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I stood up after awhile
"Well I can't sit and do nothing," I phased and ran off
"Hey!," I heard Grey yell
I ran to find a patrol to join
"Eclipse, patrol?," I turned to see Jagger
'yes please Jag!,' I smiled
we headed out
'Any warriors?,' I asked
"Nah, we have you," Jag laughed
Jagger phased and we walked together 'That Swish wolf, he's strange isn't he?,' Jagger asked
'Yeah,' I agreed
We walked the borders then walked back talking and laughing about nothing
"There you two are," dad smiled
"Hi dad!," I phased and hugged him
I was in a great mood
I saw Lyric ahead with Grace.
I snuck up on him then pounced "Eclipse!," Lyric shouted on the ground "Yes, Big brother?," I asked on top of him
"Get off of me you big mutt!," he laughed throwing me off
I rolled and tackled him again
"I've missed you," I replied clinging on his back
"Me too E," Lyric smiled spinning around trying to fling me off
"Those are our pups," I heard mom laugh
I jumped off landing and walking up to my mom smiling
"You are in a good mood," mom smiled "Yeah! Nothing can bring me down," I smiled.
I turned to see Swish and Delilah with John and Shawn two guards,
"What are you doing!," Lucian asked walking forwards
"Showing Swish around," Delilah shrugged "he has two guards what harm could he have done?,"
Lucian muttered something and Phoenix grabbed his hand and pulled him away
"How are you two?," auntie Lilly asked "Me and Grey? Good, he's damn possessive, I thought the more powerful a wolf would be, the more possessive but no he was mad I wore my work out clothes today 'cause their too reviling for his liking," I replied
"Oh mated men, they are always like that! It drove me crazy when I was first mated then when I was pregnant! Sol would barely let me do anything!," Auntie Lilly laughed
"Good lord! It is!," I laughed
I turned to see Grey's back turned to me
I snuck up and pounced.
Grey whipped around flinging me off I hit the ground with a thump.
I was laughing so hard I was crying "Eclipse! Are you okay?," Grey asked running up to me
"Yes!," I gasped
I stood up I sauntered over to Phoenix Delilah, and Grace "whats new pretty ladies?," I asked.
"Nothing much," Phoenix smiled
"Same here," Grace agreed
"That Swish wolf is hot!," Delilah's wolf Sage growled
"calm down Sage," I laughed "you should stay away from him, I don't trust him," I muttered
"That's what Lucian and Lyric said," Delilah sighed looking at Swish "but it's as if I know him already," Delilah sighed
"Same here," I murmured
I looked at Phoenix she looked as if she knew something
"Okay Phoenix?," I asked
"Yes," Phoenix smiled looking around 'She knows something,' I told Kiara "Okay," I stepped away "be carful, and that's an order," I replied walking up to Grey.
"Alpha!," I heard a warrior shout "Rogues!,"
Dad turned around and sprinted into the forest
I went to go
"No way!," Phil snarled pushing me back a bit he turned and ran off
"Don't 'no way' me!," I growled
I phased and ran forwards
I heard snarls and growls
I sprinted and flung myself at a wolf he was a big mud brown wolf.
Twice my size.
I forced him to the ground leaping off of him whipping around to feel set of paws press down to me.
I flipped over and bit my attacker I sprung forwards
'Not you again!,' I heard my mom snarl to a light red wolf
'I'm never leaving, bitch,' the red wolf snarled pouncing on mom
I yanked her off throwing her away 'Good girl,' mom praised running off
I spun around to see the same mud brown wolf
'God you look a lot like your mother,' the mud coloured wolf replied stepping forwards
I showed my teeth
'So scary," he chuckled 'and act like her too,' he lunged forwards
I leapt out of the way then biting hard on his shoulder I flung myself over him doing a flip in the air landing on my paws.
I sprinted away
'Sasha! It's R-,' I heard Lilly try to say
I was grabbed from behind and yanked backwards I yelped in pain twisting around to see the light red wolf grinning she jumped at me.
I twisted away more wolves came and the rogues fled.
I panted bleeding
'I told you 'no way' for a reason,' I heard Phil growl
I turned at him
'I'm the future Alpha! I need to be at fights like this! Showing my authority! If your here so am I!,' I turned and walked away
'Eclipse,' Phil growled
'Damn it, we'll get it later won't we?.' I asked Kiara
'Yup Phil's pretty angry,' Kiara replied 'Good job Eclipse,' dad praised. 'Fought like a true Alpha,'
I smirked as Grey came closer and heard that
'Thank you dad,' I smiled
'Great job too, son,'
I looked over to see dad looking at Grey 'Thank you Sir,' Grey smiled.
We all turned and went home.
I'm sitting on my bed waiting for Grey, 'Our bed,' Kiara corrected
'Right,' I laughed
Grey came in
"Hello love," I replied a bit nervously. "Hi sweetie," Grey replied sitting down next to me
"I'm sorry,"
"For what?," I asked Grey
"Trying to tell you not to fight,"
"Oh Love! It's okay!," I hugged Grey lovingly
"But-?," Gray stuttered
"You are doing your job to protect what's yours I wanted to do the same thing, but your the lead warrior wolf you have to be there to command your wolves while dad's fighting," I replied "I know, it's hard for me though," Grey sighed
"What's hard for you?," I asked
"All male wolves dream of protecting what's theirs like them, I never dreamed a girl so perfect and strong like you would be mine," Grey said in a rush "so whenever danger comes near my protective and possessive half comes out, and I do not want you in danger, but in a few short moons I'll be taking orders from you. I have to be protective and possive but use that when fighting next to you, not holding you back," Grey finished
"Thank you love! I love you, and I'll gladly fight next to you, and you know what? I can show my mark and scent now," I smiled.
Grey's eyes lit up
"Really? Thank you Eclipse!," Grey kissed me lovingly
"Hey," I replied pulling back
"What?," Grey asked
"While mom and dad where fighting the two leaders seemed to know them, one said I looked like my mother and acted like her too," I replied just realizing what I said
I looked away
"How could you hear what they were saying? They have their own mind link," Grey asked slowly
"And Phoenix seemed weird right before the attack when we were talking about Swish," I replied changing the subject quickly
"Hmmm maybe she knows something," Grey replied
"Maybe," I murmured.

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