"We don't need to start a war, Firecracker. As much as I would like to blow up the Elxi's ass, we need to get Ralph out with the least amount of casualties. Can't have people getting hurt or dying."

"Are you actually being nice, Soldier Boy?" My lips curve into a small smirk.

"Don't bet on it."

My smirk grows as I turn my attention back to the rest. Somehow, Jude gave me the strength I need to address this as an actual possibility. "So, you all are going to be willing to sacrifice for this? For him?" The shed erupts into a chorus of yes.

"Good. Then we need a small group to go to Athanatos." I say thinking out loud. "10 people should be good, the rest of you need to stay here. I'm going, any other volunteers?"

"Me obviously." Jude says.

"Me too." Brady answers. They walk over to me, Brady standing next to me protectively.

"Same!" Thomas calls out.

"I'll come." Bea says. "Before you say no, I'm leaving Mia in charge. She knows everything I do and, Kira, I know that you haven't finished your training yet, so I'm coming." She doesn't wait for my answer, just moves up to stand by us.

"Me too." A small voice says. "I'm an engineer-"

"The best damn one of us. And only 15!" Clark, the head of engineering, interjects.

"I can help break down their weapons." She finally comes into view. Her blonde hair is in a side braid, down her right shoulder. I can see a knife sticking out of her pocket and grease covers her pants. "I met Ralph, I was gonna show him how the radios we made work. I need to come."

I glance at Clark to see his expression. He holds my gaze and nods once, giving me my answer.

"Ok, if you're sure."

"I am. My names Hayes by the way." She says standing by me.

"Thanks Hayes. Anyone else?" Five people is not nearly enough for this if we want it to work.

"Me." A young man calls from next to Jude.

"Luke. Thanks." Jude claps him on the shoulder as he walks up to stand next to him.

"We need more people though. This can't work unless..." In suddenly struck with another idea. "Unless we break up into two groups. One group, my group, will actually go and look for Ralph in Athanatos and be doing most of the work. The other group will wait wherever we decide to be out headquarters, and will be back up." I only suggested this idea because I know they are scared. Scared of never coming back here, and I don't blame them. I can't ensure their safety, hell, I can barely ensure my own.

"I'll be in that group. The second one." A young woman comes up from the back. "My name is Cassi. Cassi Heleburn. Soldier. I can get a group of soldiers together to have your back in that cursed city." She turns away from me and addresses the group. "Soldiers in there, hands up." About 10 hands come up. "You are coming with me. Any objections?"

None of the guards say anything, they just get up and join Cassi at the front.

"Great. Any other ideas?"

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