Chapter 4

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Butch awoke on a cot he was glad simply because he was awake at least a good hour before the rest of the men. So he decided to clean up before the days training to impress Optis. After his bath he proceeded to the mess hall where the rest of the men were eating. He got his food, which look like a chicken had pooped in his bowl. After eating he and the men went silently from the mess hall up to the training grounds. Optis stood on the balcony above them and made his daily announcement, "I have secured our house a chance to perform and the games next week it will be a novice tournament with a small scale primus at the end." All the men including me , for I had been told about this, said, "All hail mighty Optis ruler of the seven seas and caster of suns trainer of champions and player of slave markets." He cleared his throat for silence from his wife's talking to a friend, "Get to work champions!"

The gladiators broke off into pairs of 2. Butch was assigned Kathrine the only female recruit there. 

She said, " Don't go easy or I might kill you here and now." Butch knew she wasn't kidding she had never been in the arena and had already killed 5 men with wooden weapons. "AND SPAR!!" a man yelled. Kathrine was quick to jab for the throat but, Butch had seen he fight and ducked away. He then countered smacking his shield across the front of her body and sent her sprawling backwards. She regained he balance and charged sweeping he sword down and smacking into Butch's shoulder he knew had it been metal he would be minus one arm. He fought back with a fake sword swipe and then a shield swipe to her face. She just laughed and while butch was looking confused attacked jabbing him in the center of the chest with her sword he felt it punchurehis skin and stop as it meet bone. He then instead of giving mercy kicked he legs out from under her and then standing up delivered multiple kicks to her abdomen. She rolled away and sprang up throwing sand in Butch's eyes blinding him. She then walked over to the wall and saw butch charging her she nimbly ran up the wall just as butch hit it and kicked him in the back as he fell like a rock to the ground. "STOP!" the same man as earlier said, "Kathrine! haw many times do i have to tell you no killing recruits!" she smirked replying, "At least this one fought back or i would have been board." She then turned on her heel and walked off. "Uh Kathrine." one of the other gladiators said, "What!" she snapped at him, "Hes not dead." the man replied. Kathrine turned and saw Butch on his feet staring daggers at her. "He lives? Wonderful call Optis he found a recruit with some backbone." Butch then walked over to her got down on his knees and said, "You have defeated me I am your servant." she looked skeptical and then replied, "No thanks Mr. Honor Pants but, I would like to face you tomorrow." He looked up and said, " It shall be done." 


i realize these aren't chaptors some day i will combine them so my story progreses week by week but until then enjoy and dun b hatin

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