Chapter 2

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When Butch woke up he smelled someting foul. He stood up and wondered where he was then he turned and saw the old man.

"No...No...No!!" he said in a deep sulking voice

"I'm not here it was a dream please let it be a dream." he moaned

A guard then walked into the room and suddenly yelled out.

"Slaves! ATTENTION!" seeing him more clearly butch saw he was wrapped in a seamless bond of leather and bronze. Carring a whip that looked like it was crafted by the gods themselves

"Whats going on?" Butch asked

"The dominus will attend you now." the guard said with little emotion

Butch's cell was unlocked and he was led out with guards surrounding him. They soon came out of the cells to a beautiful villa in classic roman style. The entrance was and arch decorated with iron ivy at its corners. It led to a room with roman chairs in it a brass globe in its center. Butch was amazed and the wealth and splendor of the villa. He was taken down a corridor out onto a porch looking over training grounds were gladiators were sparring.

"Sit." a man to his left, presumably Optis sat, Butch sat down and was given water to drink.

"Do you know how to fight?" Optis asked

"Never in my life learned sir, but i will fight if it brings me freedom."

"You make talk with not intent to back it up this is the first sign of failure. Always act before speaking ." Optis said rising from his chair, "You will spar with another novice Dartis to prove your claim. Dartis!" he yelled, "Come spar with...." Optis looked back at Butch expectently

"Butch, master."

"Emough with the formality it will bring you nothing in my home. Fight!"

Butch was so eager to fight he jumped off the balcany into the training grounds. A young boy brought him a wooden sword and shield, in order to spar without severe injury.

"Lets go novice!' Dartis spat out

"Ready!.....Fight!" a man mabye the gladiator master Butch wondered

Dartis made the first move sweeping his sword for Butch's head he blocked with his shield and countered with a jab to the thigh. In a real fight it would have been a good tactic but these were wooden weapons. Dartis hit Butch over the head with his shield sending him to the ground. He rolled out of the way of a thrust and threw a handful of sand into Dartis' face effectivly blinding him. He then grappled Dartis and threw him onto the ground his sword at Dartis' neck. He looked up seeking for the approval of victory from Optis, a fatal mistake, for this was not a real fight just a spar until the master called and end or the opponent surrendered, he was hit in the head hard by Dartis' sword. He then, stunned, was hit in the stomach and knelled over. Next Dartis grabbed him and hit his head on the ground once.....twice...three times he was out cold the first hit.

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