Ch. 20 - You Can't Sit With Us

Start from the beginning

"Shoot. What happened?"

"Wren punched him in the face."

"That's my boy," Zander says, his eyes widening immediately after. "I mean, go, Wren!"

I look at Sam, both of us hiding our laughter. "Anyway, I had to help him with the bloody nose and we were forced to talk. I asked him why he was ignoring me and he gave me this bull about how I'm always in his head and it's too hard for him to be near me and blah blah blah."

"Hm," is all Sam responds with.

I raise an eyebrow. "Hm? Can I get more than a hm?"

"I'll give you an," Zander pauses, "oh."

"Guys," I whine and hold my head in my hand. "I haven't talked to anyone about this in almost a week, so I'd appreciate it if I could get actual word-responses!"

"I believe oh is an actual word," Zander says pointedly.

I frown in annoyance. "Sam?"

She sighs, "okay. It sounds to me like he could either be bullshitting you or he could actually have real feelings. Now, I personally am not a huge fan of Asher Westfield; however, he's hot."

"Sammy," Zander whines, his lip pouted.

"It's true," she defends. "You said so yourself, Zand."

He looks around the lunch table to make sure no one heard. "Keep your voice down! I only agreed when you-"

"Can we not talk about how hot my ex is?" I ask. "I just don't know what I'm supposed to do if he wants to get back together."

"He said that?"

"No," I pause, "but I kind of felt like maybe he'd want to sort of maybe."

"Confident," Sam muses.

I sigh. "Look, he said we were just on a break the day we ended things. I mean, he sort of took it back the night he got punched and admitted that he really just broke up with me and had no intentions of getting back together, or so I think. Do you see my dilemma?"

"Would you want to get back together with him?" Sam asks.

This is it. The question that has been playing over and over in my head. Do I want to get back together with Asher? Do I want to feel special again? Do I want to kiss the cute boy? Do I want the cute boy to tell me cute things and make cute jokes?


I may be hopeless, but I was falling in love with Asher. He's my first real boyfriend, the first person to tell me I'm beautiful. I felt loved with Asher.

I want it back, even after what he has done. I want that special feeling. I want the electricity when we kiss. His embrace and gentle touch are missing from my life and I want them back.

Sue me!


"Why do I have to go?" I ask. "He's perfectly capable of going to the store and getting his own man-razors and wart cream."

"Riley, your brother is recovering. Think of all the times he has gone to the store to get your lady products," my mom says.

I scoff, "never!"

Wren smirks from the couch, lounging with his hands behind his head. "Go on, sister dear. Don't want to be late for supper."

I stick out my tongue. "I'm not a slave and I expect to be treated like a human!"

"You're being so dramatic," my mom says. "Go fetch what we need at the store now."

"Fetch!" Wren laughs and pretends to throw a ball.

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