Ch. 21 - White Picket Fence

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playlist is hot

lol I posted the playlist for Flash on Chapter 21 too I promise this wasn't even planned lolol

if you have any songs that come to mind when you think of this story leave your comments and I just might make a "reader's playlist" or something like that. yes? no? ok.

After Sam and Zander left, I am all alone watching a creepy Lifetime movie about a psycho nanny. I could turn it off if I really wanted to, but I think I'd be lying if I said I wanted to.

Just as the nanny pounds on the little girl's bedroom door, there's a knock on my balcony door. Like any normal human being, I scream and hide under my bed.

The knocking doesn't stop. To add to the horror, there's a voice calling out my name.

"Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping my family will come to my rescue.

"Riley," Wren sighs as he walks into my room, "you need to stop doing this. Get out from under the bed."

"No! There's someone out there!"

Wren grabs my foot that is sticking out from the bed and tugs me out from under there. "Turn that stupid movie off and go to bed."

"Please check," I say with a pout, clutching on to a pillow for safety.

He rolls his eyes dramatically and walks over to my balcony. Opening the door, Wren gestures outside to show that there is no one. "There. Happy?"

I bite my lip. "Not really."

"Just come into my room if you hear it again, okay?" He ruffles my hair before leaving my room.

I stand up from the floor and straighten out my mangled clothes. There's no way I imagined someone out there. I go over to the balcony and check for myself. It's empty.

"Shit," I hear a faint voice from below.

I peer over the edge of my balcony, covering my mouth when I see Asher in the bushes. "Asher, what are you doing?"

"Oh, you know, chilling," he says casually, pain laced in his voice.

"Did you jump off my balcony?" I ask in disbelief.

"Kind of."

"And why were you on my balcony in the first place?"

He stands up from the bushes and fixes his hair. "I wanted to see you."

"Does my front door not look inviting? I could talk to my parents about painting it, but I like the color," I say pointedly.

"Actually, I decided it'd be best for my face since your brother has some... strong feelings towards me."

"Right," I muse. "How did falling off of a two story balcony work for your face?"

"Oh, my face is fine. It's more just the searing pain in my arm and the many, many scratches I got from the bushes," he explains. "If you're going to talk to your parents about redecorating, I'd suggest less prickly plants."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. "Okay, Westfield, you should probably go home now."

"What? I just fell off of a two story balcony for you and you're sending me home?"

"I don't have the long hair to help you up," I say and shrug.

"Don't be like this, Riley."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that we didn't break up and you're still my boyfriend who sneaks into my room to kiss me goodnight."

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