Soc or Greaser?

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So, when the girl is not a greaser, she's a Soc. It's pretty rare you'd see them as middle-class. But, if she's a greaser, she gets jumped. If she's a Soc, she's a traitor.

There's "drama".

It'd be like this: Bethany would see a fellow Soc punching Ponyboy, and she'd save him. Pony would be like, "You're not like the other Socs."

Hey, remember Cherry? Oh right, I remember, she's either nonexistent or a bitch.

And what does that mean? Surely he's met or seen a Soc who doesn't beat him or make fun of him.

Anyways, they fall in love and all her friends are like, "No, Beth, he's a greaser how dare you! You're lipgloss is SO not sparkly anymore!"

Beth would be a traitor, but she's happy with Ponyboy even though she's "different".

Since when did this turn into World War 3? What, are there fucking teams now?!

OR, yes there's an "or", she turns into a greaser and then Socs are jumping her and whatever.

And when I say Bethany turns into a greaser, I mean she just wears leather jackets, and hangs out with greasers. Technically, you can't just turn into a greaser- it's a label for everyone who was born on the East Side.

You're rich, you live in the West side- you're a still a Soc, sweetheart.

If your a greaser, well...your life is shit and you live with the Curtis' because Darry needs eight people sleeping in his house.

That's pretty much it. You still get jumped, and Cherry is still nonexistent/a bitch.

So, yeah, that's all for now. Well, thank you for reading, and the the votes. Sorry I haven't been onWattpad for a while. I just recovered from a cold, and I've been binge-watching animes.

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