I could still feel his torture in me as he stare at me with a wicked grin plastered on his face. I don't know what is happening to me but I did the most impossible thing in my life as a seaweed brain, I drop my sword and clutch my head with my eyes closed. I could feel my memories of his torture came back to me.

I saw Annabeth crying and chained onto a wall with a gag on her mouth, as I struggling in my own chains to get to her and comfort her. Unfortunately, I could only hang and whispered words in my current state. I tried to move my hand but pain restrict me from moving any of my limbs. I looked down at myself and saw what he did to me. I saw my legs covered with blood and different sizes of whip marks, my torso is covered with stab wounds and slash marks. I could also see one of my wounds is swelling from infection.

I was about to attempt to move again, when I heard his footsteps came into the room. My fear and panic came back as he get a table full of torture devices that could kill a god. I looked down and refuse to see his horrid face. I could hear him came closer to me after grabbing one of his torture devices.

"Are you ready for an another round, my boy?" he asked with a voice that made me cower in fear. I didn't give him the satisfactory, I didn't answer his question. He could tell my stubbornness in my resistance to answer him that cause him to enrage. "ANSWER ME, CHILD!!"

I wince at the loudness and in fear when he shouted right in front of my ear. He grabbed my cheeks with his hand and force me to looked at him in the eyes. I saw all of my his insanity, darkness, and rage to my heritage and to my kind that triggered my side effects after Tartarus.

He let me remember my dark past from Gabe to my current position. I struggled to looked to evade my memories but he kept gripping my face and force to stay my face intact. He released his hold and gave me a second to caught up my sanity. As I took deep breaths, he impaled me with a sword on my arm. I kept my mouth shut; not giving any of his satisfactory. He scowled, when he didn't heard my screams. He slowly carve something on my arm that made my facade to crumble into dust. I screamed and thrash, as he laughed wickedly and carve slowly. After what he had done, he slowly went near to my ears and whispered

"This is only the beginning, child"

He began laughing insidiously as he continue to torture me.

SMR here


For those who read my first draft, obviously my story went a little (a lot, actually) different than the original one.

Have you noticed in the story that, when Percy looked down, he saw his hands covered in blood. That is not a flashback, if you are asking. It will be explained in the next chapters (hint: it's his hallucinations. I also want you guys to guess his hallucinations)

I also want you to know that some of the comments are off topic because it's from my first draft, so just leave it and don't mind it. It is only my first readers' and I's secret.

Oh and also for those who read the the first draft (that was chapter 1-30) please don't spoil the new readers about my story. Especially about the ehem you know what I'm talking about. If not then it's the most saddest thing happened in this book.

The asterisk are signs of flashbacks or blackouts or whatever but not hallucinations.

Please point out my mistakes because obviously english is not my first language and I'm still writing before I go to sleep.

I don't own any of this characters. Avengers belongs to Marvel and Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan.

Any questions? If yes then asked it right away, I wouldn't mind any of it, you are free to question here. (except the future events of this story. Do not question them)

You have some ideas? You are also free to suggest things in the story. Please if you have any insights you are to suggest as fast as possible so I could put them in this story before I finish my story

Please comment your reactions. ( it motivates me)

Should I stick to Steve's POV for the next chapter or Percy's?

Voting for Clintasha and Brutasha is still on going.

Should I make a book two or nah?

Should I make a story with Percy having ice powers?or Percy have a dark side?
Should it be with the avengers or not? (maybe hunger games, the maze runner, Harry potter, mortal instruments, Tokyo ghoul, etc.)

Suggest crossovers too!
(it could also be a band like twenty one pilots, paramore, panic at the disco, etc.)





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SMR out

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