9. Finns p.o.v

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´´I bumped into your ex today at Uni´´Emily said, looking at me suspicious even though she tried to hide it. I really liked her for not really showing me that she was jealous, but I have to say that it was really hot that she was jealous. I felt my tummy knit itself a little when I realised what she was talking about. ´´You mean Ella?´´I asked. We haven´t really had this conversation yet. Maybe considering that we weren´t even a ´´we´´yet. I looked at Emily, wondering if Ella had told her anything. Even if she hadn´t she will, sooner or later and Emily deserved to know about it. But I knew she told her the moment I saw Emily look down at the ground. I felt my heart drop, I hated seeing her upset. ´´Hey, look at me´´I said caringly as I lifted her chin up with two of my fingers. I tried to make eye contact with her. My piercing green eyes looked for her blue ones. ´´What´s wrong love, did she say anything?´´I asked, knowing what she would say next. ´´I don´t know why this bothers me´´she started, making it sound like it was patethic. But it wasn´t. If the roles were reversed, i would feel pretty bad myself. ´´I know i shouldn´t believe her, but´´Emily´s voice trailed of. All i wanted was to hold her in my arms and never let go. ´´She said you were with a lot of girls after you two broke up´´she looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I looked down at the ground, avoiding her gaze. I felt sadness and anger overcome me. I wasn´t mad at Emily, i was just sad that she had to find it out this way. Ella on the other hand, i was still mad at her. ´´Is it true?´´Emily whispered. I told her everything, starting with Ella cheating on me. Emily looked at me the whole time, with guilt, sadness and comfort in her eyes. Emily stood up from her chair. I looked down at the ground. Was she going to leave? Instead she walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Neither of us said anything, because in moments like these words weren´t needed. 

´´Wakey, Wakey, egg and baby´´Emily´s voice said, making me jump out of the dream i was in the middle of. I groaned, smelling the familiar scent of egg and bacon. ´´I made you breakfast, love´´She tried to say with a horrible british accent. But i loved her for trying, though. ´´Marry me now´´I joked as i opened my eyes seing her with a plate of my favorite food of all time. How can she be a good chef, so sweet, kindhearted, down to earth, loving and so gentle at the same time. And for not to mention, beautiful on the inside and outside. She was everything i ever wished for, just that I didn´t think people like her excisted. ´´One day, maybe´´she teased. I looked at her placing a brown strand of hair behind her ear. ´´You really know how to cook´´I commented as I chewed on another piece of bacon. I wouldn´t mind waking up to breakfast on the bed everyday.  ´´Aw, stop it. You´re making me blush´´She said, laughing. As i looked at her yet again, i felt my whole body getting warm. After only over a month of knowing her, I could say she was one of the most important people in my life. And the fact that she let the thing with Ella go made me even more crazy about her. 

´´Finn, I really need to go´´Emily said for like the hundred time. ´´Please stay´´I asked yet again. I had the hold of her hand, trying to get her to lay down in bed with me again. ´´I would if i could´´she said with her sweet voice, smiling at me. In that moment i made a silent promise to myself to never take away the smile on her face. I pouted, not wanting her to leave me. ´´Then leave all alone´´Emily´s laughter filled my ears. ´´Oh you´re not that lonely, you still have my pillows´´She said. I knew it was time for her to go, no matter how much i wanted her to stay. She kissed me quickly on the cheek, before she turned away to walk out of the room. ´´I pick you up later, ok? I asked. Emily nodded and with that she was gone. 

I really did nothing the whole day. I´d just stayed inside of Emily´s flat, watching youtube videos for inspiration for a new video. Then when i suddenly looked at the clock, i saw it was time for me to pick her up. Excited to see her again, i grabbed my keys and made my way to my black range rover. I drove down the familiar street, singing along to a couple of songs. When I finally made my way to the parkinglot i spotted to familiar girls talking to each other. At first i didn´t really care, until i realised that one of the girls was Emily. I stepped out of the car, walking to where they were standing. Was Ella being mean to her? I felt my heart beat faster at the thought of Ella even talking to her and that I still was mad at her. The second reason that my heart beated faster was that Emily were going through this. I remembered my promise to myself, to never take the smile of her face. ´´How´s your relationship with Finn going? I heard Ella asking Emily without even noticing me present. ´´Is everything alright here? I asked as I got butterflies in my tummy when Emily turned around, relieved to see me. ´´Finny, I´ve missed you. It´s been a long time´´Ella said, trying her best to make it sound sweet.  My body got tense and i cleched my jaw. I felt myself sickening when our eyes met. Her familiar brown ones looked into my piercing green and i looked away fast. ´´Drop the act, Ella´´I didn´t know how she could be that mean to people, wanting to ruin their lives. That just didn´t make sense to me. She was the total opposite of Emily. ´´I see you found yourself a new toy´´Ella raised her eyebrow, looking at Emily. ´´She´s not my toy´´ I said, smiling at Emily, letting her know that she wasn´t a toy to me and that she was so much more than that.  I intertwined our fingers together. The fact that our fingers fit so perfectly together always suprised me. ´´Yeah right, you probably love her too´´Ella said, trying too hard for us to notice the sarcasm in her voice. This was just patethic. Before I realised it, I answered to Ella´s remark. ´´I do´´ I said and smiled, shocked that I´d just said I loved Emily. I loved Emily, i thought and felt the butterflies dancing around in my tummy. I really did. I could see Emily smiling too, but it faded only a few seconds after. She was probably not sure if i meant it, but I am going to show her that i do, in every single way that is possible.

´´You do?´´ Emily asked. I knew exacly what she was talking about and I felt my hear beating faster, excited to tell her what I felt. ´´I love you Emily´´I said, before stepping closer and our lips crashed into each others, feeling my body explode of love and happiness. It felt so right.  As we pulled away to catch our breaths, Emily smiled wide. ´´I love you too, Finnegan. More than you can imagine´´She said, making me feel nothing but happy. I wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her closer to my body. As she leaned her head against my chest, I kissed the top of her head. I wanted this moment to last forever. 

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