4. Undiscovered truth

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´´Where are we going, Finn?´´I pouted. That was probably the 100th time I asked him that question. He would either say you´ll see or he would just send me a cheeky grin. It was kind of awkward waking up next to Finn this morning, but it was the second time in only a couple of days so i guess i´m getting used to it. Not that i mind, not at all. ´´You´ll see, Love´´ Finn said, sending shivers down my spine when he added pressure on the word love. He had such a strange effect on me. An effect nobody ever had on me before. ´´Oh my god, Finn´´ a couple of teenagers, only a few years younger than me shouted as we walked down one of the streets of London. Finn stopped, giving me a look to ask if it was ok by me. I just nodded. I didn´t really know why they were screaming his name though. Maybe they knew him?´´Are you two dating´´a short girl, probably around the age of nine asked me while Finn was busy talking to some of them other girls. ´´No, we are just friends´´I said, smiling at her. ´´Aw, that´s too bad . You two look really good together, and you´re really pretty´´the girl said. She was so adorable. ´´Well, thank you´´I smiled at her yet again.  ´´I love you´´ I heard one of the girls sorrounding Finn said. I frowned. What was going on? ´´Can I take a picture with you?´´ a cute blonde asked him shortly after. I didn´t know if i thought that was cute or if I just got creeped out that so many wanted Finn´s attention. ´´I´ll take it for you´´I said, smiling at the girl as she gave me the camera. 

´´What´s Jacksgap?´´I asked Finn curiously as the crowd of teenagers faded. He smirked. ´´Oh so you don´t know?´´he asked, not letting me talk before he continiued. ´´A few years back, Jack started making youtube videoes and I kind of joined him on his channel called Jacksgap´´he said proud. After he told me the whole story I was pretty blown away. It was amazing how far they´d come just by making videoes. And how come i´ve never heard of it before? ´´So you´re some kind of celebrity now?´´I teased . Finn laughed. ´´That´s not exacly the word I would use, but yeah i guess´´He smiled. A smile that slowly killed me inside.  ´´I heard what the little girl said, you know´´Finn winked at me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I realised who he was talking about, but i decided to play dumb. ´´What girl are you talking about?´´ I asked, not really sure where he was going with this. ´´You should have told her we were on a date´´ he said with his normal husky voice. I bit my lip. ´´Are we?´´I said. My heart beated so fast that I started to worry if he could hear it. Probably not. ´´Unless you don´t want it to be?´´Finn looked into my eyes. ´´I´d like that´´I said awkwardly, smiling like a child that just got a pony for her birthday. 

After seeing the big ben, Finn pulled me into a line of people waiting for something. I didn´t realise what until i saw the big wheel. ´´London eye?´´I asked him excited. I ´d always wanted to ride the London eye. ´´No, it´s a huge bird´´Finn said sarcastically. ´´That was my second guess´´I joked. I didn´t realise that Finn and I were the only one left in the line as a lovely lady wished us a good adventure. We both stepped in though i was more excited that him. It probably wasn´t Finn´s first time. ´´Thank you´´I said, smiling wide at Finn. ´´For what?´´ he asked as he looked at me. ´´For all this´´I said, truely thankful. This had been a long amazing day without any worries. Just me and Finn. The only thing that wasn´t that good was that I found myself falling for Finn. But i wasn´t sure if he would be there to catch me. I gasped as I saw the view over London. ´´Wow, it´s beautiful´´I said as I admired everything I saw outside. ´´Not as beautiful as you´´Finn said and stepped closer to me, cupping my face. I could feel my cheeks heating up and my heart yet again, beating faster. Clichè, but I liked it. I could feel his mint breath on my skin right before my body felt like it exploded as our lips brushed against each others. Tingling, as we both got caught up in the moment. Everything felt too real too be true. But whatever little denial my brain seemed to come up with, I chose to ignore it. I was happy, and I hadn´t been in a very long time. 

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