7. University

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´´Excuse me´´A girly voice said behind me as I walked through the crowdy hall. She probably wasn´t talking to me, but just to make sure she wasn´t, i turned around facing her. ´´Yeah?´´I asked as i realised i was the one she was talking to. ´´Aren´t you the one dating Finn Harries?´´she said. I didn´t know if dating was the right word, i didn´t really know what we are since we didn´t really dtr. ´´Yeah, i guess. Why?´´I asked her smiling softly. I didn´t really know where she was going with this. Did she know him or anything? I mean i don´t think she would be a crazy fangirl since she was in Uni. ´´Yeah´´she sent me a cocky smile. ´´You can say that we go waaaaay back´´ I felt something twist inside me. ´´What do you mean by that?´´I asked, knowing the answer which i didn´t really want to hear. I looked at her, she was tall, blonde, skinny, beautiful. She was everything I wasn´t. She was the kind of girl every boy dream about. So why wouldn´t Finn. ´´We dated for two years, and you can say that after we broke up Finn basically slept with the whole town´´She said, playing innocent. ´´But you already knew that didn´t you? I´m sure he told you´´ she flashed me her bitchiest smile. My body froze. No, he wouldn´t do that. Why do I even let her get inside of my head. I felt my throat getting dry. I didn´t want to believe it. ´´He kind of mentioned that you were the biggest mistake of his life´´I said. Why was I acting this way? This wasn´t like me. She twisted a strand of hair around her finger. ´´Whatev´´she said. ´´Have a good time on uni while you still can´´she added before turning her back on me, leaving me speechless in the middle of the hall. The third day of university and drama had already found me. What did she mean with while i still can? I bit my lip. She was probably one of those sick bitches that ruins other people´s lives. Like in the mean girl movie. 

I threw my keys on the table as I jumped into my bed, covering my face in pillows. What a lovely day, i feel so blessed. All though it shouldn´t, what the girl said bothered me. In other words, it crushed me. Not the dating part, that was understandable. I´ve dated guys too. But the last part about him being a manwhore didn´t seem to leave me alone. It made me feel worthless and used. Can i add fooled too? Not really wanting to leave the bed, i only got up to get icecream and my laptop before watching a film to take my mind off things. But things seemed to haunt me. When my phone beeped, it didn´t really come as a suprise. 

Finn: Hey love, what are you up to? :) 

I didn´t really want to talk with him right now nor speak to him. The way I usually handle problems is by avoiding them, but i knew I couldn´t this time. It would only be childish and not fear to him, because he should get the opportunity to explain himself. He gave me the chance to talk, so now it was my turn to give him a chance. Even though if it was true or not, i still wasn´t ready to give up on this ´relationship.´ 

Me: I think we need to talk, why don´t you come over?:) 

I replied. I know we would have to talk about it sooner or later. Normaly i would go for later, but not this time.  I couldn´t  let this bother me for much longer. I didn´t really care if Finn had slept with a lot of girl. Well, ok i do, but that´s not the point. The point is that I don´t want to feel like another number in the row. If he didn´t feel the way about me as I do for him, it would be for the best to let this whatever it is go before i get more feelings for him. I layed my head in my fists, trying to ignore the fact that my mind was now a mess. 

A sudden knock on the door was hear. I sighed and took a deep breath, not really wanting to face the person that probably meant the most to me right now. I opened the door slowly, seeing Finn´s familiar face. The second i looked at him,i suddenly forgot everything. He was dressed in his cupcake, or what he calls it, mu-Finn shirt and some denim. ´´Come in´´I said as he pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheek. ´´You wanted to talk with me about something?´´Finn asked, looking curiously at me.  ´´Right´´I mumbled as I lead the way to the kitchen. ´´Tea?´´I asked, smiling at him. ´´Yes, please´´he said with his casual sexy voice. 

I handed him the cup of the and sat down on the chair. I took a sip of my tea before I started. ´´I bumped into your ex today at uni´´I said awkwardly. We haven´t really had this conversation. Finn looked suprised. Did he know which ex i was talking about?

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