Baby wonders...

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"We're going to travel the world together small bump" I whispered, pushing the pin into the wall. "I'm going to take you to all the places I've dreamed of. All the places I've been" I smiled, pushing the second pin in. "I'll show you all the wonders, teach you everything I know" I picked up another pin, twirling it in my hand, pausing for a second before pushing it in the wall. "I'll fill your heart with wonder and your mind with knowledge" I picked up the final pin, twirling it between my fingers. "I promise you my darling angel, I will take care of you" I placed the final pin in the wall. Standing back to look at the giant map I had just pinned on the wall. I had spent all day marking out places I would go, the routes I would take, how long I would stay and what I was going to do. I placed my hands lightly over my stomach, smiling. "We're going to travel the world together small bump"

"How good does it feel to be back home?" Charlie asked, pushing himself up onto the bench. "It feels amazing" I smiled, taking a sip of my tea. "I missed you. You've literally been gone three months." He pouted, "I missed you too" I pouted back, handing him a cup of tea. "So when will you find out?" He asked, taking a sip of his tea. "Find out what?" I asked, pushing myself up on the bench. "If it's a girl or a boy" he rolled his eyes, "ohh. I have an appointment tomorrow actually" I smiled, taking a small sip of tea, "exciting" Charlie cheered. "Did you hear that Luke and his misses broke up?" He smirked, "No. I had no idea" I looked at him confused, "yeah. I was talking to Ash. Apparently she found out you were pregnant, I don't know how, and then she dumped him." He shrugged. I nodded slowly, a sickening feeling growing in my stomach. I broke them up. We talked for a little bit longer before Charlie had to leave for a night shift and I went to bed. It's quite draining growing a tiny human.

The next morning, I had a quick shower, chucking on a baggy t-shirt that can to mid thigh and a pair of leggings. I slipped on my converse before making my way down to the kitchen. "Knock knock" i looked up as Luke and Ashton walked in. "Hey" I smiled at them, "where you about to out?" Ashton asked, "yeah, I was just going to an ultra sound" I said, grabbing my phone and cards off the bench. "Mind if we tag along?" Luke smiled, I nodded, a small smile on my face, "I would love that"

We got in the car and made our way to the doctors. As soon as we got there we were taken to one of the rooms. Ashton decided to sit in the waiting room, so Luke and I just sat there, waiting for the doctor. "Is it true you and your girl friend broke up?" I half whispered, Luke looked up at me, nodding slightly. "I'm sorry, if only she hadn't found out about this whole situation then maybe she wouldn't have..." I stopped, Luke shook his head. "I told her" he said, I looked at him confused. "I was going to break up with her anyway, I didn't want it to end on a lie. So I told her and before I could break up with her she dumped me" he shrugged, like it was no big deal. "Luke. I..." I began, but I couldn't seem to find the words to say. "Hey, forget about it. Let's just concentrate on the tiny human growing inside of you right now" he smiled, I nodded, a small smile to match his.

"Are you ready to find out?" The doctor asked. I took in a deep breath, grabbing Luke's hand, I nodded slowly. "Alright. You are having..." She paused, peering closer at the screen. "A boy" she smiled at me. "A boy" I whispered back, a small smile growing on my face. "We're having a boy" I looked at Luke, a huge smile plastered across his face. "We're having a boy" he smiled, pulling me in for a hug. When we pulled apart, he left a soft kiss on my forehead. "Congratulations" the doctor smiled, leaving us be. I packed up my things, and we made our way out of the office. "Well?" Ashton smiled at us. I looked at Luke before looking back at Ashton. "We're having a boy" I smiled, "a boy!" Ashton cheered, picking me up and spinning me around. We all cheered as we made our way to the car.

"A boy" Calum and Michael cheered, jumping up and down on the couch. "a boy. A boy" Luke and Ashton joined in, the for boys dancing around the lounge. I chuckled as they continued to dance, chanting and cheering. I made my into the kitchen, grabbing myself a small bottle of juice. I made my way into the office, leaving the chanting boys be. I stared at the map, placing a hand on my belly. "We'll travel the world together my little baby boy" I whispered, a small smile on my face. My eyes traced over every line and every trail across the entire map. "Wow" Luke smiled as he walked in, leaning on the desk next to me. "What's this?" He asked, motioning to the map. "This is everywhere I'm going to take this little boy" I smiled at him. "Can I..." He paused, "may I..." I giggled at him as he struggled to find his wording. I grabbed his hand, lightly placing it on the bump. "Wow" he whispered, placing his other hand on the bump as he knelt down. I watched as he stared in awe at the ever growing bump. "This is amazing" he whispered once more, standing up. "Riali. I... Do you... Would you like to hang out sometime?" Luke stumbled, I nodded with a smiled. "I would love that Luke"

We're going to travel the world together little baby boy. We're going to take you to all the places we've dreamed of. All the places we've been. We'll show you all the wonders, teach you everything we know. We'll fill your heart with wonder and your mind with knowledge. We promise you our darling angel, we will take care of you. We're going to travel the world together little baby boy.

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