Little bumb...

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"Charlie it's been a month and a half and none of them are speaking to me" I sighed, looking at him through the computer screen. "They'll get over it" he said, I shook my head. Looking at myself in the mirror. I had on a baggy hoodie with pyjama shorts just peaking out the bottom, I pulled up my hoodie, standing side on in the mirror. "This isn't exactly something they can get over Charlie" I sighed, walking back over to the bed, dropping my hoodie down. "How are you feeling?" He asked, "well, apart from morning sickness, I feel great" I smiled, a small chuckle leaving my lips. "Well I'm glad. Listen boo boo, I have to go okay. I'll talk to you late. Love you" Charlie cheered as he hung up. I sighed as I closed my
laptop. I had decided that I needed to get away for a bit, so I decided to spend a couple weeks at my parents beach house, but those couple of weeks had turned into a month. It was about an hour and half away from home, so I figured it would be enough space.

I walked out onto the back porch. Sitting on the swinging bench, pulling my knees up to my chest. I stared out at the ocean, the sun beginning to make its way down. Laughter filled the air as a group of people made their way down the beach. A small smile spread across my face as I watched them. They were having a piggy back race and one of them fell over and they all burst out laughing once more. My phone began to vibrate on the seat next to me. I sighed as I picked it up, not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?" I answered, "Riali, hi" I let out a slight gasp, standing up, making my way back inside. "Luke" I whispered, sitting on the couch, pulling my legs up.

"How are you?" He half whispered, "I'm good. How are you?" I whispered back, curling a loose strand of hair around my finger. "I'm good" he paused, "Listen, can we talk about everything" I let out a small sigh, "sure" the words barley left my lips. "I don't blame you for not telling me about that night. I'm not gunna lie, I kinda suspected we did something that night too, but you seemed liked you regretted it, so I left it" he said, "I didn't regret it, I wish I could've remembered it, but I don't regret it" I whispered. "I didn't mean to walk out or not talk to you these past few weeks. I just. I didn't know how to take it" he said. We both fell silent after that, I didn't know what to say and I feel like he didn't either.

"Can I come see you" he whispered, "Luke, I don't think that's a good idea" I whispered, he let out a sigh. "Please. I have so much I have to say. Things I can't say over the phone" i thought for a moment, "okay" I whispered, "I'm at the beach house right now. Ask Charlie where it is" I sighed. "Thank you, you won't regret this Riali, I promise" he hung up. I threw the phone to the other end of the couch, shaking my head. I placed a hand on my stomach. The small bump had started to grow and I had finally come to terms with the fact that there was a tiny human child growing inside of me and I was going to take care of it, no matter what.

A couple hours paced and there was a knock on the door. "It's open" I yelled, not even moving from my spot on the couch, my back facing the door. "Riali" three familiar voices cheered. I turned around, Calum, Michael and Ashton stood there with huge smiles on their faces. "They wouldn't let me come without them" Luke shrugged, a slight smirk on his face. I chuckled as they all pulled me up for a hug. "Can we see it" they all smiled, "see what?" I looked at them confused. "The bump dumb dumb" Calum chuckled, I rolled my eyes as I pulled up my hoodie. "There isn't much of bump there" I smiled, Ashton lightly placed a hand on my belly. "There's a human in there" he whispered, a small smile on his face, wonder in his eyes. They all touched my belly, wondering what the little child would grow up to be like. Luke however just stood there. It was like he didn't know what to say or what to do.

"We can talk outside" I smiled at Luke. He nodded, following me as we made our way onto the back porch. We sat down on the bench, a comfortable silence between us. "So how are you really" he asked, "I feel like utter crap" I half chuckled, shaking my head. "I've literally thrown up every single morning" he let out a small chuckle. "How long have you been out here for?" He asked, turning his body slightly to face me. "Almost two months. I left the week after you found out" I half smiled, "has anyone been here to help you out, with the morning sickness and stuff?" He asked, I shook my head. "It's just been me. Charlie's been so busy with college and stuff so I told him to not worry. I said I'd be fine" I half smiled, he nodded, forcing a smile to his face, but his eyes. His eyes told a different story, like he was sorry or ashamed. Luke and I chatted about everything. Him and the boys soon left and I made my way to bed, satisfied with what had been said.

The next morning I as awoken, a queazy feeling filled my body as I sprinted towards the bathroom, yesterday's meals making a reappearance. I washed my face, slipping on a baggy hoodie as I made my way down the hall, the smell of pancakes and French toast filled the air. I appeared round the corner to find the four boys covered in flour. "Oh Michael, no" Luke chuckled as a cloud of flour filled the air. "Dude" Calum chuckled, "I'm not cleaning that up" I chuckled as I walked in, stealing a pancake as I opened the fridge to grab some banana milk. "Good morning to you too" Ashton smirked, I rolled my eyes as I poured myself a glass. "We made breakfast" Michael cheered, holding up s plate of pancakes. "I can see that" I chuckled, wiping away a bit of flour on his cheek. "Yeah well most of it is on our faces and in the kitchen but at least we tried" Calum half smiled, wiping the flour off his face. "Thank you" I smiled, grabbing another pancake from the plate.

"So why are you here? Besides the fact that you came to make me a killer breakfast" I smirked, "we felt bad" Luke half whispered, "for what?" I looked at him confused. "For not talking to you for like a month, especially when you needed is the most" I half smiled at him, "well you did make me breakfast, so I guess I could forgive you" I winked. "We also got morning sickness pills and a lot of food" Ashton smiled, I smiled back. "We'd also like to stay here with you for a while. If that's okay" Luke half smiled, all eyes fell on me. "I would love that" I smiled, they all let out a sigh of relief. "Two of you can sleep in the spare room and two can sleep in mine and my brothers room" i pointed down the hall way, watching as the boys raced towards the bedrooms, Calum and Ashton in one, Michael and Luke in the other. It's going to be nice to have some company for a while.

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