Nothing but a blur...

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"I can't believe you're having a party. You never have parties" Charlie cheered, i rolled my eyes as i browsed through spotify. "Is Chris coming?" He asked, picking up the polaroid camera that sat on the cabinet that sat underneath the window in my office. I sighed, spinning on the chair to face him, the flash of the polaroid going off at the same time. "Dude" I frowned, pulling the finger at him. He chuckled as he watched the picture slowly forming. "So is he?" He asked, looking up at me for a second before back down at the picture. "Nope" I sighed, spinning back around to face the computer. "Said he had to go to New York for some reason" i shrugged, finishing off the playlist for tonight's party. "Well, he's gunna miss out. Big time. This party is going to be huge" I rolled my eyes as he danced around the room, pulling me up with him.

"Alright. The time is now 6:39pm, the party starts at 7:30. That gives us just under an hour to get ready. Girl, get your but up and in that shower right now" Charlie cheered, pushing me down the hall. I rolled my eyes as i made my way into the bathroom. I tied my hair up in a bun, jumping the warm shower, washing just my body. Once out, i slipped on a pear of undies and a bra. I put on foundation, blush, winged eyeliner and a dark red lipstick. I took my hair out the bun, brushing it through before curling it into soft beachy curls. I smiled at my reflection before making my way into my room, just as Charlie walked in wearing pair of dark blur jeans, a baggy v-neck and a light blue unbuttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, matched with a pair of white converse.

"Looking sharp" I winked, slapping him on the bum. "Thanks boo boo. Now what are you gunna wear?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I shrugged as i turned around, opening up the closet. "I recon you should wear something sexy" He smirked, "Well im gunna go sexy casual" i chuckled, closing the door behind me. Once i picked up the outfit i nodded to myself in the mirror and opened the closet door. "Dayum girl" Charlie smiled, looking me up and down. I had on a b&w stripped crop top, acid wash frayed high-waisted shorts, a blue white and black plaid shirt around my waist and a pair of high ankle boots. I walked into the bathroom, grabbing my floral snap back, placing it backwards on my head. 

"Alright. 15 minutes till everyone arrives. The speakers are set up with the hottest of the hottest tracks ready to play and enough alcohol to get a couple of army's drunk." I smiled grabbing two shot glasses. "And now, the pre-party shots" I winked, pouring tequila into the two glasses,  as Charlie sliced two lemons and grabbed the salt. "Cheers" we both cheered, clinking the glasses together. I licked the salt off my hand, downing the shot before grabbing the lemon to sooth the burning down my throat. "Are the neighbors coming?" Charlie asked, grabbing two cups and filling them with vodka and lemonade. "Well. Luke and Michael are coming, because you know we made up and all. I'm not sure about Calum and Ashton." I shrugged, grabbing the cup from him. "I mean, they're invited but who knows" 

I walked over to the computer, pressing play on playlist i had made. 'Wicked Wonderland' (Extended mix) began blasting through the house. People began to turn up and soon the house was fulled with tipsy people on their way to being drunk and Charlie and i were two steps ahead of them. "Charlie" I yelled making my way into the kitchen. "Riali" He yelled back, two cups in his hands. "Charlie, guess who's here" I smirked, taking one of the cups from his hands. "Who" he asked, I motioned for him to come closer, leaning in until i was beside his ear. "Your lover boy is here" i heard him gasp, i pulled back and giggled, winking at him. "BRB" he squealed, running out of the kitchen. I laughed as i chugged back the last of the drink, pouring my self another.

"Yo Riali" I turned around, smiling at Luke and Michael who stood in the door. "Well hello gentleman" I smirked, taking a sip of my drink. I watched as they made their way through the people, leaning on the bench across from me, red cups in their hands. "Just the two of you?" I smirked as took a sip of my drink. The both looked at each other, a slight smirk on their lips. "Oh how you wish it was the two of them" I rolled my eyes as Calum placed his arm around my neck, followed by Ashton on the other side. "Well ya were invited" I smirked at them, downing the rest of my drink. "Here, let me get you another" Calum smiled, taking my cup and filling it up once more. "There ya go love" he smiled, taking his place at my side once more.

"So, are we good?" Calum asked, grinning at me. "Oh so that's why you're being so nice to me" I smirked, taking a sip of my drink. I sighed, looking between the boys, "Yeah, i suppose we're good" i shrugged, a smirking growing on my face. They both cheered, pulling me into a group hug. "Now. If ya'll could get on my level that would be great because you are beginning to blur" I giggled, pouring alcohol into each of their cups. "And when you're there, meet me on the dance floor" I winked pushing myself off the bench as i made my way into the lounge, finding Charlie in the mix of people.

"We poppin like Ayo, all my bitches got real hair chillin with the top down screaming like ayo" Charlie and I sang, shaking it on the dance floor. I laughed as Michael shimmied his way across the dance floor. "Got me like Ayo, Ayo, Ayo" Calum sung as he body rolled in circles around me. "You boys" i laughed, shaking my head at their drunken antics. "Oh i love this song" I screamed as Steal my girl began blasting through the house. "Aye its my boys" Ashton cheered, jumping up and down on the couch. "Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody take her heart away, couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one cause she belongs to me" We all sung, dancing around in a circle.

"Oi Luke, come and join us" Calum yelled, i spun around smiling, motioning for him to come over.  "Kisses like cream, her walk is so mean, and every jaw drop when she's in those jeans alright" I winked at him, walking closer. "I don't exist if i don't have her, the sun doesn't shine, the doesn't turn alright" the words slurred out of my mouth, he chuckled, shaking his head. "But i know, i know, i know for sure" he slurred back, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smirked as i wrapped an arm around his neck. One thing began to blur after the next after that moment.

My head was pounding when i woke up, my mouth was dry and i felt like i was going to vomit. I let out a slight groan, rolling onto my side. I squinted as the sun shone through the curtains, I slowly sat up, making my way into the bathroom. "Who the hell's shirt is this?" I looked at myself in the mirror, the shirt barely covering my thighs. I shrugged, making my way back into the room, Charlie stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face and his arms folded across his chest. 

"Who's that?" He whispered, pointing to the bed. I looked at him confused before looking at the bed. He lay on his front, the sheets covering from his lower back down. "I don't know" I whispered, walking round to the side of the bed. "fuck" I whispered, shaking my head. I pushed past Charlie, making my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Shitting hell" i cursed, hitting my fist against the bench. "So who was he?" Charlie smirked, pushing himself up on the bench. "Seriously Charlie? I just slept with a guy who isn't Mark and all you care about is who it was?" I half yelled, he looked at me shocked. "Mark's a dick. He cheated on you how many times? I say good on you for shagging that dude. Fuck Mark" I sighed, looking at him. The sad part was, he was right.

"Luke" I whispered, putting my head in my hands. "I'm sorry, what?" He smirked, "I shagged Luke" I sighed, looking at him. A grin plastered his face, "That's ma girl" He cheered, "Girl well done" i rolled my eyes, "You are not helping" i chuckled, shaking my head. I groaned as there was a knock at the door, "I got it" Charlie chuckled, making my way over to the door. "Oh Hey boys" he cheered, "Shit" i cursed, It was literally the last people on earth i wanted to see right now. 

"Hey Ri, how ya feeling" Michael smirked as he walked into the kitchen. "Oh just fantastic" I smiled, sarcasm filling my voice. "Well good" Calum smiled, patting me on the back. "Hey have you seen Luke?" Ashton asked, I looked at Charlie, shaking my head slightly. "don't remember last night, but he definitely wasn't at home this morning" He smirked, "Oh god im gunna be sick" i mumbled, pushing past them, i ran into my room, just making it to the bathroom on time. I wiped my mouth, leaning back against the wall, i looked out into my room, the sleeping boy still lying in my bed.

I held my breath as he rolled over, a light groan coming from his lips. I watched as his chest rose and fell, a light mumble coming out of his mouth. I laughed as he groaned a little louder, "My head hurts" he mumbled, "Yeah well that's what happens when you get shitfaced" I whispered, shaking my head, "Fuck off" he groaned, i let out a slight giggle but was soon shut up, leaning my head over the toilet once more. I groaned as i stood up, making my way back to my bed. I lay on my side, facing him. "I see i'm not the only one who got shitfaced" he chuckled lightly. I paused for a moment, looking at him. "Do you remember much about last night?" I asked, he sighed, rubbing his eyes before opening them slowly and looking at me. He shook his head, "It's nothing but a blur"

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