Party from hell...

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*1 month later*

"Riali, girl get ready we are partying our arses off tonight" Charlie cheered as he walked through the door. "And boy does it look like you need it" He half smiled at me, I nodded, a smirk growing on my face. "We're not just partying, we're gunna get smashed" Charlie nodded, the biggest grin on his face. "Party. Party. Party." We both cheered, dancing around the room.

Two hours later, a couple of drinks, tight jeans, ankle boots with thick heels, loose singlet and a leather jacket, and I was ready to go. Charlie and I made our way to the party. I didn't know whose it was, or why we were even going, but I was just ready to get wasted. We walked through the front door, the house was filled with half-drunk people and Sweaty bodies.

"Hey Charl..." I looked around and Charlie was gone, run off into the middle of the bodies. I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with whatever alcohol I could find. I was on a buzz, but I needed more. I took a small sip from the cup, making my way outside. My eye's scanned the faces, looking for someone I knew. I spotted the boys, walking over to chat to them for a while before I decided to search for others.

"Babe" I looked up, a huge smile on my face. "Chris" I cheered, wrapping my arms around his neck, slipping my fingers into his hair, I pulled him in until our lips met. "Oh how I've missed those lips" he smirked into the kiss. We pulled apart, his arms wrapped around my waist. "Why didn't you tell me you were back?" I asked, lightly hitting his chest, taking a sip of my drink.

"I wanted to surprise you, Charlie told me you would be here" He smirked, kissing my forehead lightly. "I missed you" he whispered, resting his forehead against mine. "I missed you too" I whispered back, pecking the end of his nose. "Now let's get mortal" he smirked, I nodded, chugging whatever was left in my drink, before pulling him to the kitchen for refills.

"Luukkkeee" I screamed, giving him a giant hug, "Luke you have to meet someone, the most amazing person ever" I cheered, pulling Chris beside me, he smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. "Luke this is my boyfriend Chris" I smiled. The look on Luke's face confused me, he looked happy, but his eyes looked sad. "Nice to meet you" he half smiled, a smile that was clearly forced.

Have you ever just clicked with someone you just met, you just know you're gunna be great friends? Well. That was the complete opposite to what was happening with the boys next door. Well, let's just say we were not enjoying each other's company. Why, I don't even know. One minute we were all hanging out at the party and the next thing, we were on the front lawn screaming at each other.

"Fuck you Michael" I screamed, throwing a drink at him, "Fuck you Ashton, Fuck you too Calum" the drink flew across the lawn, a smirk on his face as he dodged it. "Psycho bitch" Michael yelled, "Who do you think you are?" Calum yelled, throwing his arms up. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed.

"You are such a fake, lying, two timing bitch" Calum yelled, his fists clenching up in a ball. "Do you like lying? Twisting your words and manipulating people?" Ashton yelled, his fists red with anger. I looked at him confused, anger bubbling inside of me. "What the hell are you on about?" I half whispered. "You fucking know what I'm talking about you stupid little slut" the words hit me, and they hit me hard. "Michael" Luke warned, standing between them and me.

"Luke, you're seriously standing up for her?" Michael huffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not standing up for her" he yelled, "She's just not a slut" he shrugged. I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes. "Seriously Luke. What the actual fuck? You know what fuck you all" I yelled, pushing past them as I made my way down the street. This party was only a few blocks from my house, so there was no problem walking home. I stumbled down the street, mumbling as I went. "Riali" I turned around and saw Chris running after me. "You alright?" he asked, concern filling his face. I nodded with a smile, "I just want to go home" I half whispered. "Alright, let's go" he smiled, intertwining our fingers.

I woke up the next morning, half smiling at the sleeping boy beside me. I quietly made my way down the hall, running my fingers through my messy hair. I sighed as the memories came back to me. I shook my head, grabbing the rubbish sack from the garage, before slowly making way outside. I got to the end of the path, dropping the bag, spinning around on my heel, I heard yelling. I stopped, watching as Luke chased after a blonde girl who was storming off.

"Luke I can't actually believe you right now" She screamed, turning around in a hurry. "I didn't do anything" He whined, rolling his eyes. "Seriously? I know you went to that party last night, after I specifically told you not to go" She hissed once more, stomping her foot on the ground as her arms crossed her chest. I saw the panic in Luke's eyes, his mind working hard as he tried to think of a lie. I sighed, mentally slapping myself a thousand times as the words came out of my mouth, my feet moving towards the pair. "He was actually helping me last night"

Both pairs of eyes landed on me, Luke's thankful, hers untrusting and confused. "Excuse me?" she asked, her eyes scanning me up and down, all my insecurities hitting me at once. "I live next door, Luke was at mine last night, helping me move the rest of my things into my house." I half smiled, please with the lie I had told. "Really?" She asked, looking from me to Luke. He nodded with a small smile. "Hm" She mumbled, nodding slowly.

I slowly made my way back to my house, quietly closing the front door behind me. "Babe, there you are" Chris smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I took out the trash" I smiled, pecking him on the lips. "Listen, I have to go, but I'll be back tomorrow okay" he smile, pecking my check, before making his way out the door. "Oh okay" I sighed, collapsing on the couch. This is was the first time in weeks since I had seen him, and who knows when I'd see him again. He says tomorrow, but it's never tomorrow.

Just Saying... (Luke Hemmings)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora