Little Secret...

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It had been a month since the party, and no one knew about Luke and I except Charlie and myself. I made Charlie promise not to tell anyone. I told the boys that Luke had been so smashed that he ended up crashing at mine. I also told them that I couldn't find my pyjamas so I just stole Luke's shirt to wear.

"Are you ever going to tell him the truth?" Charlie asked, lying down on the grass beside me. "I don't know." I sighed, wrapping my arms around my knees, resting my chin between them. "I don't even have it in me to tell Mark, who is a fucking dick and I don't even know why I'm still with him" I shook my head. "So dump his ass" Charlie huffed, sitting up slightly. "He's been nothing but a dick to you and is constantly cheating on you. He's draining you, I can tell. You're not the same as you use to be" I half smiled at him, nodding for a bit. "And nows your chance" I looked at him confused, he just smirked up at me.

"Oi babe" I looked up, Mark and his friends making their way towards us. "Mark" I half smiled, standing up. I took a couple of steps towards him, folding my arms across my chest. "So glad I bumped into you. Listen babe, I can't do tonight. The boys is...." "I'm breaking up with you" I interrupted, the words barely leaving my lips. "What" he half snapped, his friends all shut up behind him. "I said I'm breaking up with you" I said a little louder, he let out a huff, rolling his eyes. "Yeah well I was gunna dump you anyway" he huffed, "well then it's settled. Have a great life" I smirked, turning to face Charlie, "shall we" he nodded, an amused look on his face, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we walked off.

"Well that was a lot easier than I thought" I shrugged, collapsing on the couch. "Hey, what's the date today" I asked, looking at Charlie. "Uh like the 26th or something, why?" He asked, looking up at me from his phone. "Fuck" I cursed under my breath, Charlie looked at me confused. "I'm a week and a half late for my period and I didn't even realise" I cursed, putting my head in my hands as I leant down on my knees. "Isn't your period late all the time though?" He asked, a confused look still on his face. "Yeah by like 1 or 2 days Charlie, not an entire week" I sighed, "so what does that mean?" I rolled my eyes at him, throwing a pillow at his face. "It's means Charlie, that my next period won't be for nine months" I half yelled, letting out an annoyed groan.

"Are you gunna tell him?" Charlie asked, trying to keep up with me as we made our way into the supermarket, weaving our through the isles to find the health Isle. "I don't know how I suppose to that. They're on tour at the moment, I can't just call up and be like 'oh hey Luke, remember that party I had a month ago, well you and I actually shagged, oh and I'm pregnant with your baby' yeah that'll go down great" I rolled my eyes as we stopped in front of the rows and rows of pregnancy tests. My eyes scanned over them, there were so many to choose from and I had no idea about any of them. "What about this one. This is the one my mum used when she had my little brother" Charlie held out a blue box, I half smiled at him and nodded, grabbing a couple more before making my way to the checkout, grabbing a chocolate bar and cola along the way.

"well?" Charlie's voice echoed through the door, "still waiting" I sighed, staring at the four white sticks that lay on the counter. "Can I come in?" He asked, I sat there silent, not even realising I was holding my breath. "Okay, well. If you need me, I'll be in the lounge" I listened as the foot steps faded, the breath I was holding in came out. I stared and stared, what was only minutes felt like hours. A tear rolled down my cheek as one by one the results appeared. I picked them up, making my way into the kitchen. "Well?" Charlie asked, I put them in the counter, the tears running down my cheeks as I tired to wipe them away. "Hey, hey it's okay" he whispered, pulling me in for a hug. "Charlie what am I going to do" I whispered. "We are going to get through this together" he smiled.

The time was now 5:04pm and I had not moved from my spot on the kitchen bench. Charlie has left a while ago, and I continued to stare at the four white truths that lay on the counter. Tears had not stopped running down my face and I had given up trying to stop them. "Riali?" I looked up, the boys stood there, a concerned look on their faces. I half smiled at them, wrapping my arms around me. "Are you okay?" Luke asked as he walked over, wiping away the tears. "Riali are you..." Michael began, I looked up him. Both him and Ashton each held two sticks in their hands, Calum standing beside me. They all looked at me, I didn't know quite how to read their faces, there were so many mixed emotions.

"I don't know what to do" I whispered, pulling my legs up on the couch. "Is it Marks?" Ashton asked, I shook my head my eyes to the floor, "We broke up" I whispered. "How long?" Luke whispered. I looked up at him, tears once again brimming my eyes, threatening to spill. "I'm a week and a half late, but it could be anywhere from a month ago" I whispered, looking at the ground once more. "Wasn't your party a month ago?" Michael asked, slight confusion in his voice. I nodded slowly, my eyes still on the floor. Silence filled the room, and I couldn't bare to look at them. I could tell theirs minds were ticking, and sooner or later they would figure it all out. And I didn't know if I wanted to be here when it happened. I stood up, making my way into the kitchen. I grabbed the four sticks, pushing into the bin. I made my way down the hall into my bedroom. I walked into the bathroom, rinsing my face with cold water. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were puffy and my face was read. I felt and looked disgusting.

"Riali" Luke appeared in the mirror behind me, I looked at him through the mirror, he looked hurt and confused. "Did we...that night... Did you and I sleep together?" He half whispered. More tears began to fall as I looked at him. "I'm sorry" I whispered as my eyes fell the sink, I shook my head. "I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't even sure what had happened, I was just making assumptions. And then this happened and I just..." I stopped, Turing around to face him. "I just..." I couldn't seemed to get the words out, I sat down, leaning my back against the wall, wrapping my arms around my knees. "I didn't want to ruin anything. I know you and your girlfriend already had problems and I didn't want to cause any more. I'm sorry" I whispered. I sat there with silence all around me. I knew he'd walked away. I knew he left, along with the others. I knew I was alone in this house. I knew I'd made a mistake, I should have told him my little secret.

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