"This is Pronab, he is like... Amra's cousin, not legally I guess, but yes, he is like the playful cousin of the family..." said Caliope chuckling, Pronab looked at her at first with amusement, but then with a kind smile. Vanessa had her eyes now on him "Pleased to meet you, Pronab..."

Caliope perked a brow and smiled, it was rare of Vanessa to say so little, especially after she handed her a good start for her punch line in her introduction. Pronab returned the kind smile at Vanessa "Welcome to England, Miss..."

He made a small head bow and Caliope almost gasped, they were both exchanging some very subtle yet obvious flirting gestures. This made her smile, but deep inside, something else moved, and she tried to blame it just to the excitement.

"And these are Falshore, Tom and Hank, they are our bodyguards, trusted men from Sir Caldwels"

Falshore bowed in a more artistic way than Pronab, and so did the other two, they smiled and offered to pick the bags and then lead them towards the cars. "Such an escort, baby... you have a lot of explaining to give..." She chuckled "you have no idea... but all in due time, we have to go see my dress, that is our first stop."

"Ok, I am hooked! I want to see your dress! lets go!"

They headed to the cars and Vanessa tried to behave as she spotted the luxury in which they were traveling. At her job, Vanessa was a classy lady with great manners, she was polite, refined and very well spoken; but whenever she had the chance to see Caliope, it was just so natural of her to be everything different from what she was at work. Now, she had some trouble adjusting her two different personalities into this new scenery; her friend who allowed her to be free and outspoken, and the people around her whose presence only aimed the best of any etiquette.

Once they arrived at the Mall, Vanessa trusted her luggage to bodyguards, who remained at the car, and followed Caliope. After a walk through two floors, they arrived to a small vintage store that only stood out due to its unusual look. Inside, an old lady smiled and welcomed Caliope with two kisses; one on each cheek, and spoke some words to Elaine in a language Vanessa did not understood. Pronab and Falshore both remained outside of the store and the old lady put a "closed" sign on the door. After a curtain was pulled to cover the windows, Elaine took a seat and pulled another one for Vanessa, who sat still waiting for more information on what they were doing "Nessa, this is Ariadne, she is making my dress... it is almost done, but I know you wanted to approve it first so we made reservation today for you to see it..."

"Oh wow... I thought you knew I was kidding... I mean... I would love to see it..."

"And you shall, Caly my darling, please put it on, I love seen you in that dress..."

Caliope giggled and walked towards the dressing room behind the store. After some minutes, and with the help of Ariadne, she finally had everything in place. As soon as she walked out, Vanessa's jaw dropped; a little theatrical for Caliope's taste, but she enjoyed her reaction "Oh my god Caly! you look like a princess!"

Caliope blushed "thank you... the final details will be done by saturday, just minor twitches I asked Ariadne and she is making them possible... I just can't believe it myself either, this is just so beautiful..."

Elaine released a big sigh and smiled "you are beautiful my dear, you look radiant and just... Angelic..."

Her choice of words made Caliope blush. Vanessa rushed to hug her friend and then looked around her for all the perfect details embedded in the dress "I don't see what else can be done, it is just perfect..."

"I have something else in mind to add and you will understand once you see it."

"Ok, I believe you, now I am thrilled to see what else you prepared..."

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