22. moms letter

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We finished packing all my things. Omar was officially my new brother. Oscar is Nick's new old brother. We are about to board the plane. I had said my goodbyes to all my friends and everyone I knew. I was sitting down across from Oscar and Nick who would not stop talking about video games. I had my headphones in listening to a new band called After Romeo. Felix and Omar and OG were doing some last minute stuff.

I had not yet said goodbye to Tommy. I didn't want t say goodbye to him.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see him.

"Oh my god Tommy! What are you doing here?!"

I stood up and gave him a big hug.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye and making you promise me to read this."

He handed me the letter my mom wrote for me. I looked at the letter.

"Why are you giving that to me?"

"Promise me that you will read this."

"Why are you asking this of me?"

"Because you need this. You need to know that your mother did not think of you as a disappointment and hated you."

"I'm not reading it. And you can't make me."

Over the intercom, they said that our flight was boarding.

"I'm boarding my flight. I got to go. Okay? Bye Tommy."

I walked over to the flight attendant and handed her my ticket. I looked back at Tommy. He was talking to Felix and Omar. I rolled my eyes and boarded the plane.

I found my seat and sat down. I turned my phone and laptop on airplane mode. It was going to be a long flight. Felix came spoon after that and sat down next to me. I smiled. I hadn't been alone with him in a while it feels like.



"You ready for the move?"

"As long as I'm with you."

He took my hand and held it in his. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

We sat there like that for a while. I fell asleep so I can't give a good amount of time we sat like that.


I woke up on the plane, except no one was there. We weren't flying. I got up and looked around. I saw someone in first class. I walked towards them. As I pasted through the curtain, they disappeared. No evidence of them being there except for an envelope on the ground with my name on it. It was the letter my mother gave me that I couldn't read. It sat there on the ground. So many conflicting emotions running through my head. Do I pick it up and read it? Do I leave it there and walk over it? What do I do? I decided to pick up the letter.


I woke up, still resting on Felix's shoulder.

"Hey sleepyhead."

"Hey. Do I really have bedhead hair?"

"No you don't. You look beautiful."

I giggled and interlocked my arm with his.

"Felix? Did Tommy give you my mother's letter?"

He had a guilty look on his face. "Yea he did. I'm sorry."

I kissed him. "Don't be sorry. I want to read it."

He kissed me again and pulled the letter out of his pocket. He handed it to me.

"Do you want to be alone?"

"No. PLease don't ever leave me."

He gently grabbed my face and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. One we haven't had in a while. He pulled back and said one word.


I looked at the letter and took it from him. I started to open it. I pulled the letter out. It smelled like my mom. And I started to read it.

"Dear Emily,


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