17. going home part 2

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So I woke up a few hours later, got dressed and went home. The car ride felt like forever. I sat in the back seat with my brother while my parents were in the front seat. My parents looked worried, on edge even. Waiting for something bad to happen. They were constantly looking out the windows, with a certain look in their eyes. I remember hearing my mom screaming and I grabbed Nick's hand.

I woke up in the hospital. Great here again. I tried to get up but there was someone holding me back down. It was my doctor.

"Don't try to move Emily. It will hurt to move for a while."

"Why? What happened?"

"You were in a car crash on your way home from the hospital. You and your family were gravely hurt. Your brother is making full recovery."

"What about my mom and dad? Are they alright?"

"Emily get some rest. You will need your strength."

"Doctor, are they ok?"

"Your father died instantly and your mother's cancer somehow speed up and only has a few weeks now. The cancer has spread to her lungs and there is nothing we can do."

I looked down at my hands and I wouldn't speak. The thought that my mom is leaving me sooner than expected was horrifying.

Felix, Oscar, Omar, and OG run in and come to my side.

Oscar asked me "Where is Nick?"

"Emily are you ok?"


I wasn't responding to anyone. I was horrified.

I saw Feliz run to my doctor asking him whats wrong with me. I'm guessing hat he told him what happened.

He ran towards me and just sat there with me.

I am guessing Oscar was with Nick. I hope he was ok.



"Is Nick ok?"

"Oscar is with him. I'll ask."

I looked back at my hands while Felix called Oscar to find out how Nick is.

I would barely hear the conversation I was drowning in my own thoughts I couldn't hear anything else. I laid back down and tried to rest my mind and sleep.

I woke up and decided to walk to Nick and see how he is. But before that I put on some decent clothes I could walk around in.

I took my I.V. and walked down the hall to room 322, Nick's room. I walk in and see Oscar in the chair. I touch his shoulder and sadly I wake him up. 

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's ok. Don't worry."

"How is he?"

"He is doing ok. How about you? Should you be walking around?"

"I don't know anymore. Things have changed. Nick and I may soon be orphans and be separated. "

"What why?"

"My dad died in the crash and my mom's cancer spread to her lungs. They don't think she will last a month."

"Oh Emily I am so so sorry."

"Please don't say that, I still have to tell Nick."

"You know I could take him in. He is my brother and I am 18. I could take care of him."

"Please that would awesome. I knew he would like that. I'm glad he has you."

"I promise nothing will happen to him."

Felix must have realized I wasn't in my room and ran to Oscar to ask him If he had seen me. He finds me with Oscar.

"Hey Emily! You shouldn't be walking around."

"I needed to see how Nick is."

I start to walk towards Felix when Oscar hold us up.

"Hey Felix hold up. I have to tell you something. "

"What's going on bro?"

"Nick is my brother and I am thinking of taking him in when certain events happen in the future and Emily will be all alone. Why doesn't Nick AND Emily come with us back to Sweden?"

For once in all this madness, there was a shred of hope and happiness.

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