chapter 1 - emily

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Ok so first things first. My name is Emily and I'm 15 years old. I turn 16 in May. I am your normal high school student, I work for my A's and give 110% in whatever I do, especially swimming and dance.

 I had just made the varisty team and was sore constantly. I try to balance time with homework and friends and family. Just recently my mom had cancer but thankfully she is ok now. 

One day I was working on a new dance when I saw this link to some band that had worked with my idol, Matt Steffania. They were some boyband and were really good at dancing. I started to watch some of their videos and they were amazing. They could dance, sing and flip?

I followed them on Instagram and Youtube, constanly watching their videos to learn their dances. 

Enough about me, lets get this story started......................

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