20. oh kill me now

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The day went by slow. 

Sara would not leave my side unless we weren't in the same class. Which was for about one class. We reviewed World War 1 and 2 in history, the mutations of genes in science, geometry in math, poems and symbolism in english, nothing in dance and nothing in study hall. I had already had my dance final at our recital just a few weeks ago. We had lunch and break. 

I tried to ignored everyone especially Kelly. After what happened at my party, I didn't want to talk to her. Sara and just hung out in the grass, eating our lunch. Us ignoring them went well, until they came up to us. 

"Hey Emily! Hey Sara! Great party this weekend. It was so much fun. I especially loved the band." Kelly appeared in front of us. I tried to ignore her and her comment about my friends. 

"Emily drink your water." Sara mothering me. 

I had not touch my water nor my lunch. I was thinking too much about the guys, Sweden, and my mother. 

My train of thought was interrupted when a teacher of mine came up to me.

"Hello Emily. My condolences about your father. I am so sorry."

Then she walked away. Leaving my friends with open mouths and me in tears with a headache. I had not thought of my dad. I actually thought today was a normal day and nothing had happened. BUt I was wrong. 

"Emily? What happened to your dad?" My friends bombarded me with questions. 

I got up from the grass patch leaving my untouched meal and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and cried. Not caring who heard me. I was there for a bit then the bell rang and I had to go to class. Thankfully we only had two more classes then we go home or more like the hospital. 

Sara saved me a seat next to her. I could tell my teacher saw my puffy eyes but she didn't say anything about it. We were working in groups on our study guide for the final, when she called me to talk to her outside the classroom. 

I followed her and shut  the door behind us. This is the same teacher that gave her condolences to me.

"Emily. I am sorry to bring up your father. Is there anyone I can get you? For you to be with?"

My dad 

"No. Thank you. I just want to get through the rest of the day."


We walked back into class, as if we didn't speak. On our way to the last class of the day, Sara made me chug my water and eat my sandwich. Sara and I sat walked to dance class. Since we already had our final, it was more of a study hall for all of us. Sara and I worked on study guides and quizzing each other on anything related to World War I, II, mutations, genes, geometry, symbolism, and poems. 

The class went by fast. Sara and I ran to our lockers. We grabbed our stuff and ran up to where the cars were. I found Felix and OG in their car. We ran to them. They saw us and got out of the car to give us each a hug. 

I ran into Felix's arms. He embraced me and wouldn't let go of me. Not like I wanted him too. I saw Kelly walking past us. I wasn't going to stoop to her level so I ignored her and continued to hug him. He finally pulled me away and gave me a kiss. 

"Did you eat today?" He asked me, being a protective boyfriend.

"Yes I did. Sara shoved a sandwich down my throat." I gave him a small smile. He looked over to Sara. 

"Thank you Sara."

We all laughed and got back into the car. We drove to the hospital. 

"Where's Nick?"

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